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Berner erforschen die Vergangenheit der Eskimos: Archäologische Forschungen auf der St. Lorenzinsel, Alaska. Sonderdruck aus Der Bund, Freitag, 4. Dezember 1975. Nr. 285, p.3. | Bandi, Hans-Georg | 1975 |
Gräber der Punuk-Kultur bei Gambell auf der St. Lorenz Insel, Alaska. Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums, Jahrgang 51-52, 1971-1972. Bern 1975, pp. 41-116. | Bandi, Hans-Georg u. Jost Bürgi | 1975 |
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Gekreuzte Faltensysteme in Orogenzonen. Schweiz. Min. petrogr. Mitt. 37, 11-30. | Haller, John | 1957 |
Die paläozoischen Gebirge Grönlands. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel 71, 2, 378-381. | Haller, John | 1960 |
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Absolute Age Determinations in East Greenland. Med. o. G. 171, 1, 77 pp. | Haller, John u. J.L. Kulp | 1962 |
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Tectonics and Neotectonics in East Greenland. In: Kay, M. (edit.): North Atlantic - Geology and continental drift. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 12, 852-858. | Haller John | 1969 |
Attraverso Andrees Land. In: Montagne di Groenlandia, Monografia storico-esplorativa e geografico-alpinistica. Mario Fantin, Tamari Editori, Bologna, p. 254. | Haller, John | 1969 |
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Über die von Dr. Lyall in Grönland entdeckten fossilen Pflanzen. (Lettre d’envoi à M.J.D. Hooker à Kew.) Vierteljahrssch. Naturf. Gesellsch. Zürich, VII, pp. 176-182. | Heer, Oswald | 1862 |
Über das Verhältnis der Flora des Engadins zur arktischen Flora. (Commun. Verbale). Schweiz. Naturf. Gesellsch. Verhandl., p. 51. | Heer, Oswald | 1863 |
On the miocene flora of North Greenland. Lu le 19 Nov. 1866, trad. par R. Scott, Dublin. Royal Soc. Journ. V, pp. 69-85. Manual of Greenland, 1875, pp. 368-372. | Heer, Oswald | 1866 |
Über den versteinerten Wald von Atanekerdluk in Nordgrönland. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Gesellsch. Zürich, XI, pp. 259-280. | Heer, Oswald | 1866 |
Om de af A.E. Nordenskiöld och C.W. Blomstrand på Spetsbergen upptäckta fossilia växter. Öfversigt af Vet. Akad. Förhandl. XXIII, Stockholm, pp. 149-155. | Heer, Oswald | 1866 |
Über die miocene Flora der Polarländer. Schweiz. Gesellsch. Verhandl. 1867, pp. 139-152. Archiv. Sci. Phys. XXX, 1967, pp. 61-69. (Trad.) Geol. Mag. V, 1868, pp. 273-280. | Heer, Oswald | 1867 |
Über die Polarländer. (Vortrag gehalten den 6. Dezember 1866, auf dem Rathhaus in Zürich). Zürich, Schulthess, 8:o, 24 pp. Bibl. Univers. XXVIII. 1867, pp. 51-82 (Tracuction). Tidsskr. Popul. Fremst. Naturv., 1, Kopenhagen 1969, pp.112-149. | Heer, Oswald | 1867 |
Die Geinitzia cretacea eine wirkliche Sequoia; die Kreide-Flora des hohen Nordens, (Brief an Geinitz.) N. Jahrb. für Min. 1868, 63-64. | Heer, Oswald | 1968 |
Utdrag ur ett bref af professor O. Heer rörande fossilia växter från nordvestra Amerika, insamlade af bergmästaren Hj. Furuhjelm. Öfversiegt af Vet. Akad. Förhandl., Stockholm, XXV, 1868, pp 63-68. | Heer, Oswald | 1968 |
Flora Fossilis Arctica vol. I. Die fossile Flora der Polarländer. Zürich: Schulthess. 4°, 192 pp., 1 Karte, 50 Tafeln, enthaltend die in Nordgrönland, auf den Melville Insel, im Banksland, am Mackenzie, in Island u. in Spitzbergen entdeckten fossilen Pflanzen. Mit einem Anhang über versteinerte Hölzer der arktischen Zone v. Dr. Carl Cramer. – 1868. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1866, 36, pp. 53-56. Journal of Bot. 30, pp. 218-230. Archiv Sciences phy. nat. 1867, 30, 218-231. Schweizer Naturf. Gesellsch. Verh. 1867, 51, pp. 139-152. Manual of Greenland, pp. 378-385. | Heer, Oswald | 1868 |
Flora fossilis alaskana. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, vol. II. | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Contributions to the fossil flora of North Greenland, being a description oft he plantss collected by Mr. Edward Whymper during the summer of 1867, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, 109, London, pp. 445-488, ill. 18 plates. | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Die miocene Flora von Spitzbergen. Schweiz. Gesellsch. Verhandl. 1869, pp.156-168. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.) XII, 1869, pp. 302-311. (trad.) Arch. des Sci. Phys. et nat. Nouv. XXXVI, 1869, 279-300 (Trad.) | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Über die neuesten Entdeckungen im hohen Norden. (Vortrag gehalten den 28. Januar 1869, auf dem Rathaus in Zürich). Zürich, Fr. Schulthess 1869, 8:o, 28 pp. Bibliot. Univers. XXXIV, pp. 512-543. Trad.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV, 1869, pp. 81-101 (Trad. par Dallas). Verh. Geol. Reichs-Anst. Wien, 1869, p. 115. N. Jahrb. für Mineral. 1869, pp. 765-766. | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Über das Alaskaland. Vierteljahrssch. Naturf. Gesellsch. Zürich, XIV, 1869, pp. 118-121. | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Über die diluvialen Ablagerungen Spitzbergens. (Commun. verbale). Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Gesellsch. Zürich, XIV, 1869, pp. 432, 433. | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Preliminary report on the fossil plants collected by Mr. E. Whymper in North Greenland, in 1867. British Assoc. Rep. 1869, XXXIC, 8-10. | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Über die alte Flora von Grönland und Spitzbergen. Globus, Braunschweig, 1869, 15, 368-371. | Heer, Oswald | 1869 |
Über die fossile Flora der Bären Insel und von Grönland. (Brief an Geinitz). N. Jahrb. für Min. 1871, pp. 857-859. | Heer, Oswald | 1871 |
Suum Ciuque. (Brief an J.F. Brandt von der Akademie in St. Petersburg). Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Gesellsch. Zürich, XVI, 1871, pp. 125-132. | Heer, Oswald | 1871 |
Förutskickade anmärkningar öfver Nordgrönlands Kritflora, grundade på den svenska expeditionens upptäcker. 1870. Stockholm, Akad. Öfversiegt, 1871, 28, 1175-1184. N. Jahrb. Für min. 1872, p. 874. | Heer, Oswald | 1871 |
Vorläufige Bemerkungen über die Kreidflora Nordgrönlands, gegründet auf den Entdeckungen der schwedisch. Exped. vom Jahre 1870. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gesellsch. XXIV, 1872, pp. 155-164. | Heer, Oswald | 1972 |
Die arktische fossile Flora. (Brief an Geinitz). N. Jahrb. Für Min. 1873, p. 65. | Heer, Oswald | 1873 |
Oversigt over Grønlands fossile Flora. Med. o. G. Bd. 5. | Heer, Oswald | 1873 |
Beiträge zur Steinkohlen-Flora der arktischen Zone. Flora fossilis arctica, vol. III. | Heer, Oswald | 1873 |
Om de miocena växter, som de svenska expeditionen 1870 hemfört från Grönland. Öfversiegt af Vet. Akad. Förh., Stockholm, XXX, 1873, N:o 10, 1-12. | Heer, Oswald | 1873 |
Die Kreideflora der arktischen Zone. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, vol III. | Heer, Oswald | 1873 |
Pflanzenversteinerungen. In: Die Zweite deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in den Jahren 1869 und 1870 unter der Führung des Kapitäns Karl Koldeway 2, 512-517. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus. N. Jahrb. für Mineral. 1876., p. 95). | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Die Schwedischen Expeditionen zur Erforschung des hohen Nordens. Vom Jahr 1870 und 1872 auf 1873. 8:o, 45 pp. Schulthess, Zürich. | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Anmärkninger öfver de af svenska polarexpeditionen 1872-83 uptäckta fossilia växter. Öfversiegt af Vet. Akad. Förh. Stockholm, XXXI, 1874, N:o 1, 25-32. | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Om några fossilia växter från ön Sachalin. Öfversiegt af Vet. Akad. Förhandl. Stockholm, XXXI, 1874, N:o 10, 29-31. | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Flora Fossilis Arctica III. 2. Die Kreideflora der arctischen Zone. K. svenska Vetensk Akad. Handl. 12, 3, 138 pp. | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Flora Fossilis Arctica III, 3. Nachträge zur miocenen Flora Grönlands. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. 13, 2, 29 pp. Mit 5 Tafeln. | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Übersicht der miocenen Flora der arktischen Zone. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, vol. III. | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Mitteilung über die neueren Arbeiten bezüglich der arktischen Flora. (Brief an Geinitz). N. Jahrb. für Min.,1874, p. 278. | Heer, Oswald | 1874 |
Die Kreide-Flora der arktischen Zone. Der Naturforscher, 1876, pp. 425-429. | Heer, Oswald | 1876 |
Über die Jura-Flora Sibiriens und des Amurlandes. (Auszug aus einem Brief an Stur). Verh. K.K. Geol. R. A. 1876, p. 101. | Heer, Oswald | 1876 |
Juraflora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes. (Brief an Merian). Schweiz. Naturf. Gesellsch. Verhandl. 1876, pp. 56-57. | Heer, Oswald | 1876 |
Pflanzenversteinerungen von der Sabine-Insel. Zweite deutsche Nordpolfahrt 1869-1870 von Capit. Koldeway, II, 512-517, 1 pl. | Heer, Oswald | 1876 |
Beiträge zur fossilen Flora Spitzbergens. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, vol. IV. | Heer, Oswald | 1876 |
Beiträge zur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes. Siehe Flora sossilis arctica, vol. IV. | Heer, Oswald | 1876 |
Notes on fossil plants discovered in Grinnel-Land by Capt. H.W. Feilden, naturalist to the english northpolar expedition. Quart Journ. Geol. Soc. 1878, pp. 66-72. | Heer, Oswald | 1877 |
Über die Pflanzen-Versteinerungen von Andé in Norwegen. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, vol. IV. | Heer, Oswald | 1877 |
Notes on the fossil flora of the arctic regions. (Auszug aus einem Brief an J. Hooker). British Assoc. Rep., Plymouth, 1877, p. 106. | Heer, Oswald | 1877 |
Die 3. Lieferung der Flora fossilis arctica; die fossile Flora Sibiriens; über die fossilen Pflanzen des Robertthales in Spitzbergen. (Brief an Geinitz). N. Jahrb. für Min. 1877, 812-813. | Heer, Oswald | 1877 |
Die miocene Flora des Grinnell-Landes. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, Vol. V. | Heer, Oswald | 1878 |
Beiträge zur miocenen Flora von Sachalin. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, Vol. V. | Heer, Oswald | 1878 |
Beiträge zur fossilien Flora Sibiriens und des Amurlandes. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, Vol. V. | Heer, Oswald | 1878 |
Über die Versteinerungen welche bei Gelegenheit der letzten englischen Polarexpedition mitgebracht wurden. Schweiz. Naturf. Gesellsch. Verhandl. 1877, pp. 316-317. Arch. Sci. Phys. 8, 1879, pp. 345-347. | Heer, Oswald | 1878 |
Primitiae florae fossilis sachalinensis. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, Vol. V, 3. | Heer, Oswald | 1878 |
Über fossile Pflanzen von Nowaja Sermlja. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica. Vol. V, 5. | Heer, Oswald | 1878 |
Über das Alter der tertiären Ablagerungen der arktischen Zone. Das Ausland, Stuttgart, 24. Febr. 1879, No. 8, 141-145. | Heer, Oswald | 1879 |
Nachträge zu fossilen Flora Grönlands. Flora fossilis arctica, Vol. VI, 2. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. 18, 2, 17 pp. | Heer, Oswald | 1880 |
On the miocene plants discovered on the Mackenzie river. (Communiqué par R.H. Scott le 16 Juin 1880). Proc. Roy. Soc. London XXX, 1879-1880, pp. 560-562. | Heer, Oswald | 1880 |
Beiträge zur fossilen Flora von Nord-Canada. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica, Vol. 6, 2. | Heer, Oswald | 1880 |
Flora fossilis Groenlandica. Siehe Flora fossilis arctica VI, 2, und Vol. VII. | Heer, Oswald | 1882 |
Oversigt over Grønlands fossile flora. Med. o. G. 5, 79-202. | Heer, Oswald | 1883 |
Über die fossile Flora von Grönland. Englers Bot. Jahrbücher 1883, pp. 367-385. | Heer, Oswald | 1883 |
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Investigations in an ice shaft in the accumulation area of the McGill Ice Cap. Report for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 17 pp. Unpublished report. | Müller, Fritz | 1964 |
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Postglacial isostatic movement in northeastern Devon Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Arctic 19, 3, 263-269. | Müller, Fritz u. W. Barr | 1966 |
Automatic Weather Stations for Glacier-Climate Relationship Studies. General Assembly of Berne, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. International Association of Scientific Hydrology, Abstracts of Papers, 6, 75. | Müller, Fritz | 1967 |
A High Arctic Climate Study on Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago – Summmer 1961. Axel Heiberg Island Research Reports, Meteorology, 3, McGill University, Montreal, 82 pp. | Müller, Fritz u. N. Roskin-Sharlin | 1967 |
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Seminar on the auses and mechanics of glacier surges. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. Iii-iv. | Müller, Fritz | 1969 |
Was the Good Friday Bay Glacier on Axel Heiberg Island surging. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 6, 891-894. | Müller, Fritz | 1969 |
Automatic Climatological Recording Stations in Rempote Areas. Instrumentation and Observation Tchniques. National Research Council of Canada Hydrology Symposium No. 7, Victoria, B.C. pp. 205-217. | Müller, Fritz | 1969 |
Errors in short-term ablation measurements on melting ice surfaces. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 8, No. 52, 91-105. | Müller, Fritz u. C.M. Keeler | 1969 |
The contribution of glacier ice to world water balance – A status report on the World Glacier Inventory. IAHS Publication Nr. 94, 6-20. | Müller, Fritz u. C.S.L. Ommaney | 1971 |
Climatological research on Axel Heiberg Island. Axel Heiberg Research Reports. McGill University, Montreal. Miscellaneous Papers of Fritz Müller and members of the Expedition, pp. 1-4. | Müller, Fritz | 1972 |
International Geographical Union Field Tour EA2, Miscellaneous Papers. Axel Heiberg Research Reports, McGill University, Montreal. Miscellaneous Papers by Fritz Müller and Members of the Expedition, 56 pp. | Müller, Fritz and members of the Expedition | 1972 |
Das North Water Projekt, kanadische Hocharktis. Verhandlungen der Schweiz. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, pp. 183-185. | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite | 1972 |
Einführung in die Glaziologie. Geographisches Institut ETH Zürich, Sommersemester 1973, 108 Bl. | Müller, Fritz | 1973 |
Velocity fluctuations and water regime of Arctic valley glaciers. Union Géodésique de Géophysique Internationale. Association Internationale d’Hydrologie Scientifique. Commission des Neiges et des Glaces. Symposium on the Hydrology of Glaciers, Cambridge, 7.-13. September 1969, pp. 165-182. (Publication No. 95 de l'Assiciation Internationale d'Hydrologie Scientifique.) | Müller, Fritz u. Almut Iken | 1973 |
Das North Water-Projekt (kanadisch-grönländische Hocharktis). Geographica Helvetica, Vol. 28, No. 2, 111-117. | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite | 1973 |
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The climate of North Water 1972-1975. North Water Project. Progress Report, pp. 14-54, ETH Zürich und McGill University, Montreal. (Unveröffentlichter Bericht). | Müller, Fritz et al. | 1975 |
North Water Project, Progress Report III, 1 October 1974 to 30 September 1975. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 148 pp. | Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter, R. Braithwaite, H. Ito, G. Kappenberger, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. A. Züst | 1975 |
Temperature measurement of the ice and water surface in the North Water area using an airborne radiation thermometer. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 15, No. 73, 241-250. | Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter u. G. Kappenberger | 1975 |
Isotope measurements and firn stratigraphy on ice caps surrounding the North Water polynya. IUGG-16th General Assembly, International Symposium on Isotopes and Impurities in Snow and Ice, Grenoble, August 1975, p. 12. | Müller, Fritz, B. Stauffer u. G. Schriber | 1975 |
On the thermal regime of a high-arctic valley glacier. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 16, No. 74, 119-133. | Müller, Fritz | 1976 |
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Problems of an Arctic Polynya – the North Water. Proceedings of the Symposium on Geography of Polar Countries, 23rd International Geographical Congress, Leningrad, USSR, 22.-26. July 1976, pp. 52-55. | Müller, Fritz | 1976 |
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Atmospheric CO2 History from Ice Core Studies. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. 17, Heft 1, 1-15. | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, W. Berner u. J. Schwander | 1981 |
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Qualitative aspects of topographic waves in closed basins, gulfs and channels. In: Modeling Marine Systems, A.M. Davies (ed.), 1, CRC Press, pp. 255-289. | Stocker, Thomas, K. Hutter | 1990 |
Der Atlantik - Klimaschaukel und Klimajoker. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 79, p. 75. | Appenzeller, Christof u. T.F. Stocker | 1999 |
Century-scale variability in a randomly forced, two-dimesional thermohaline ocean circulation model. Climate Dyn. 8, 103-116. | Mysak, L.A., T.F. Stocker u. F. Huang | 1993 |
Carbon uptake experiments with a zonally averaged global ocean circulation model. Tellus 46B, 103-122. | Stocker, T.F., W.S. Broecker u. D.G. Wright | 1994 |
An efficient and accurate representation of complex oceanic and biospheric models of anthropogenic carbon uptake. Tellus 46B, 397-417. | Joos, F., M. Bruno, R. Fink, U. Siegenthaler, T.F. Stocker, C. Le Quere u. J. Sarmiento | 1996 |
An improved method for detecting anthropogenic CO2 in the oceans. Global Biogeochem. Cyc., 10, 809-837. | Gruber, N., J.L. Sarmiento u. T.F. Stocker | 1996 |
Closures used in zonally averaged ocean models. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, 791-804. | Wright, D.G., T.F. Stocker u. D. Mercer | 1998 |
A latitude-depth, circulation-biogeochemical ocean model for paleoclimatic studies: development and sensitivities. Telluss 50B, 290-316. | Marchal. Olivier, T.F. Stocker u. F. Joos | 1998 |
The effect of a succession of ocean ventilation changes on radiocarbon. Radiocarvon 40, 359-366. | Stocker, Thomas F. u. D.G. Wright | 1998 |
Influence of intermittent convection on the stability of the thermohaline circulation. Clim. Dyn. 15, 277-291. | Hirschi, Joël, J. Sander u. T.F. Stocker | 1999 |
The variable ocean. Nature 367, 221-222. | Stocker, Thomas | 1994 |
An overview of decadel to century time scale variability in the climate sastem. In: Proc. Eleventh Annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop 1994, C.M. Isaacs and V.L. Thard (eds.), interagency Ecological Program, Tech. Rep. 40, Calif. Dept. Water Resources, 35-46. | Stocker, Thomas | 1995 |
Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of the Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. J.T. Houghton et al. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 882 pp. | J.T. Houghton et al. (eds.) | 2001 |
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Feedback mechanisms and sensitivities of ocean carbon uptake under global warming. Tellus 63B, 564-592. | Plattner, Gian-Kasper, F. Joos, T.F. Stocker, O. Marchal | 2001 |
Rapid changes of the oceanic circulation in a hierarchy of ocean models. Tellus 54, 273-287. | Hirschi, Joël u. Thomas Stocker | 2002 |
Trends in marine dissolved oxygen: Implications for ocean circulation changes and the carbon budget. EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 84, 197-201. | Joos, F., G.-K. Plattner, T.F. Stocker, A. Körtzinger u. D.W.R Wallace | 2003 |
A model for lorg-term climatic effects of impacts. J. Geophys. Res. 108, 5074, doi:10.1029/2002JE001894. | Luder, T., W. Benz u. T.F. Stocker | 2003 |
Probabilistic climate change projections for stabilization profiles. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L20707. | Knutti, Reto, F. Joos, S.A. Müller, G.-K. Plattner u. T.F. Stocker | 2005 |
The role of simple models in understanding climate change. In: Continuum Mechanics and Applications in Geophysics and the environment. B. Straughtan et al. (eds.). Springer, 337-367. | Stocker, Thomas | 2001 |
Climate panel looked at all the evidence. Nature 410, 299. | Stocker, Thomas | 2001 |
Predictability of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation under global warming. CLIVAR Exchanges 6, 3, 5-7. | Stocker, Thomas F. u. R. Knutti | 2001 |
Changes in the global carbon cycle and ocean circulation in the millennial time scale. In: Global Climate. X. Rodo u. F.A: Comin (eds.), Springer, 129-152. | Stocker, Thomas | 2003 |
The history of climate dynamics in the Late Quaternary. In: Paleoclimate, Global Change and the Future, K.D. Alverson, R.S. Bradley, T.F. Pedersen (eds.), Springer, 33-61. | Labeyrie, L., J. Cole, K. Alverson u. T.F. Stocker | 2003 |
Do simplified models have any useful skill? CLIVAR Exchanges 8, 7-10. | Stocker, T.F. u. R. Knutti | 2003 |
South dials north. Nature 424, 496-499. | Stocker, Thomas | 2004 |
Models change their tune. (News and Views). Nature 430, 737-738. | Stocker, Thomas | 2004 |
Journal Club. Nature 435, p. 389. | Stocker, Thomas | 2005 |
The coupling of optimal economic growth and climate dynamics. Climatic Change 79, 103-119. | Bahn, O., L. Drouet, N.R. Edwards, A. Haurie, R. Knutti, S. Kypreos, T.F. Stocker u. J.-P. Vial | 2006 |
Land im entlegensten Norden. Alltag in Qaanaaq. Die Alpen 10, 2019, 26-33. | Funk-Salamí, Françoise | 2019 |
Challenges posed by and approaches to the study of seasonal-to-decadal climate variability. Clim. Change 79, 31-63. | Schwierz, Cornelia, A. Appenzeller, H.C. Davies, M.A. Liniger, W. Müller, T.F. Stocker u. M. Yoshimori | 2006 |
Extreme midlatitude cyclones and their implications to precipitation and wind speed extremes in simulations of the Maunder Minimum versus present day conditions. Clim. Dyn. 28, 409-423. | Raible, Christoph, M. Yashimori, T.F. Stocker u. C. Casty | 2007 |
Modeling the relationship between 231Pa/230Th distribution in North Atlantic sediment and Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Paleoceanogr. 22, PA2214. | Siddall, M., T.F. Stocker, G.M. Henderson, F. Joos, M. Funk, N.R. Edwards, S. Ritz u. S. Müller | 2007 |
Assessing uncertainty in climate simulations. Nature Reports Climate Change 4, 63-64. | Forster, P., G. Hegerl, R. Knutti, S. Solomon, T.F. Stocker, P. Scott u. F. Zwiers | 2007 |
Buoyancy-driven flow and nature of vertical mixing in a zonally averaged model. In: Ocean Circulation: Mechanics and Impact. A. Schmittner et al. (eds.). American Geophysical Union Monograph 173, 33-52. | Marchal, Olivier, C. Jackson, J. Nilsson, A. Paul, T.F. Stocker | 2007 |
University of Bern's new Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research. PAGES News 15, 2, 4. | Grosjean, M., T.F. Stocker u. H. Wanner | 2007 |
Modelling the effect of abrupt ocean circulation change on marine surface reservoir age. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 268, 202-211. | Ritz, S.P., T.F. Stocker u. S.A. Müller | 2008 |
A review of uncertainties in global temperature projections over the twenty-first century. J. Climate 21, 2651-2663. | Knutti, Reto, M.R. Allen, P. Friedlingstein, J.M. Gregory, G.C. Hegerl, G.A. Mechl, M. Meinshausen, J.M. Murphy, G.-K. Plattner, S.C.B. Raper, T.F. Stocker, P.A. Scott, H. Teng u. T.M.L. Wigley | 2008 |
Mid-to late Holocene climate change: an overview. Quat. Sci. Rev. 27, 1791-1828. | Wanner, Heinz, J. Beer, J. Bütikofer, T.J. Crowley, U. Cubasch, J. Flückiger, H. Goosse, M. Grosjean, F. Joos, J.O. Kaplan, M. Küttel, S.A. Müller, I.C. Prentice, O. Solomina, T.F. Stocker, P. Tarasov, M. Wagner u. M. Widmann | 2008 |
Maunder Minimum climate variability from wind and moisture-sensitive proxies and model simulations. Pages News 16, 10-11. | Raiblie, Christoph C., R. de Jong, T.F. Stocker u. M. Yoshimori | 2008 |
Greenhouse-gas fingerprints. Nature 456, 331-333. | Stocker, T.F. u. A. Schilt | 2008 |
Towards a better understanding of climate od the past million years. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 90, 55, February 17. | Brabante, C., H. Fischer, V. Masson-Delmotte, T.F. Stocker, C. Waelbroeck u. E. Wolff | 2009 |
The sea level conundrum: Insights from paleo studies. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 90, 72, March 3. | Siddall, M., P. Clark, B. Thompson, C. Waelbroeck, J. Gregory u. T.F. Stocker | 2009 |
Simulated decadal oscillations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a cold climate state. Clim. Dyn. 34, 101-121. | Yoshimori, M., M. Renold, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2010 |
The sealevel conundrum: case studies from paleo-archives. J. Quat. Sci. 25, 19-25. | Siddall, M., A. Abe-Ouchi, T.F. Stocker et al. | 2010 |
The role of Southern Ocean processes in orbital and millennial CO2 variations - A synthesis. Quat. Sci. Rev. 29, 193-205. | Fischer, Hubertus, J. Schmitt, D. Lüthi, T.F. Stocker, T. Tschumi, P. Parekh, F. Joos, P. Köhler, C. Völker, R. Gersonde, C. Barbante, M. de Floch, D. Raynaud u. E.W. Wolff | 2010 |
Simulated resumtion of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation - Slow basin-wide advection and abrupt local convection. Quat. Sci. Rev. 29, 101-112. | Renold, Manuel, C.C. Raible, M. Yoshimori u. T.F. Strocker | 2010 |
Interhemispheric coupling, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and warm Antarctic interglacials. Clim. Past. Rev. 6, 432-443. | Holden, P.B., N.R. Edwards, E.W. Wolff, N.J. Lang, J.S: Singarayer, P.J. Valdes u. T.F. Stocker | 2010 |
IPCC: cherish it, tweak it, or scrap it? Nature 463, 730-732. | Hulme, M., E, Zorita, T.F. Stocker, J. Price u. J.R. Christy | 2010 |
The relationship of winter season North Atlantic blocking frequencies to extreme cold or dry spells in the ERA-40. Tellus 63A, 212-222. | Bühler, Tania, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2011 |
A coupled dynamical ocean-energy balance atmosphere model for paleoclimate studies. J. Climate 24, 349-375. | Ritz, S.P., T.F. Stocker u. F. Joos | 2011 |
Variations of meridional overturning circulation in control and transient simulations of the last millennium. Clim. Past 7, 133-150. | Hofer, Dominik, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2011 |
Fingerprints of changes in the terrestrial carbon cycle in response to large reorganizations in ocean circulation. Clim. Past 7, 319-338. | Bozbizyk, Anil, M. Steinacher, F. Joos, T.F. Stocker u. L. Menviel | 2011 |
Future storm surge impacts on insurable losses for the North Sea region. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 11, 1205-1216. | Gaslikova, Lidia, A. Schwerzmann, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2011 |
Noble gases as proxies of mean ocean temperature: Senitivity studies using a climate model of reduced complexity. Quaternary Sci. Rev. 30, 3728-3741. | Ritz, Stefan P., T.F. Stocker, J.P. Severinghaus | 2011 |
The freshwater balance of polar regions in transient simulations from 1500 to 2100 AD using a comprehensive coupled climate model. Climate Dyn. 39, 347-363. | Lehner, Flavio, C.C. Raible, D. Hofer u. T.F. Stocker | 2012 |
Atlantic hurricanes and associated insurance loss potentials in future climate scenarios: Limitation of high-resolved AGCM simulations. Tellus 64, 15672. | Raible, C.C., S. Kleppek, M. Wüest, D.N. Bresch, A. Kitoh, H. Murakami u. T.F. Stocker | 2012 |
Climate variability of the mid- and high-latitudes of the southern hemisphere in ensemble simulations from 1500 to 2000 AD. Clim. Past 8, 373-390. | Wilmes, S.B., C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2012 |
Testing the robustness of a precipitation proxy-based North Atlantic Oscillation reconstruction. Quat. Sci. Rev. 45, 85-94. | Lehner, Flavio, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2012 |
Is the Atlantic subpolar gyre bistable in comprehensive coupled climate models? Clim. Dyn. 40, 2993-3007. | Born, Andreas, T.F. Stocker, C.C. Raible u. A. Levermann | 2013 |
Esitmated strength of the Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation. Nature Geoscience 6, 208-212. | Ritz, Stefan P., T.F. Stocker, J.O. Grimalt, L. Menviel, A. Timmermann | 2013 |
Amplified inception of European Little Ice Age by sea ice-ocean-atmosphere feedbacks. J. Climate 26, 7586-7602. | Lehner, Flavio, A. Born, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2013 |
The ocean as a component of the climate system. In: Ocean Circulation and Climate. A 21st Century Perspective. G. Siedler et al. (eds.). Academic Press, 3-30. | Thomas F. Stocker | 2013 |
Two stable equilibria of the Atlantic subpolar gyre. J.Phys. Oceanogr. (in press) | Born, Andreas u. T.F. Stocker | 2013 |
Impact of delay in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Climate Change. | Allen, M.R. u. T.F. Stocker | 2013 |
High-resolution mineral dust an d sea ice proxy records from the Talos Dome ice core. Clim. Past 9, 2789-2807. | Schüpbach, Simon, U. Federer, S. Albani, C. Barbante, T.F. Stocker u. H. Fischer | 2013 |
Introduction to Climate Modelling, Spring Semester 2018, University of Bern, 174 pp. | Thomas F. Stocker | 2018 |
Perspective: From local perception to global perspective. Nature Climate Change 5, 731-734-SI. | Lehner, Flavio u. T.F. Stocker | 2015 |
Climate and carbon cycle dynamics in a CESM simulation from 850-2100 CE. Earth Syst. Dyn. 6, 411-434. | Lehner, F., F. Joos, C.C. Raible, J. Mignot, A. Born, K.M. Keller u. T.F. Stocker | 2015 |
The silent sevices of the world ocean. Science 350, 764-765. | Stocker, Thomas F. | 2015 |
Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Summery for Policymakers. | Pachauri. R.K. et al. | 2014 |
Headline Statements Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report | Pachauri, R.K., M. Allen ... G.-K. Plattner, T.F. Stocker | 2014 |
Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Summary for Policymakers. | Stocker, Thomas, Gian-Kasper Plattner | 2014 |
Headline Statements Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. | Stocker, Thomas, Gian-Kasper Plattner, Q. Dahe | 2013 |
Influence of plate tectonic rearrangements on the global ocean circulation. Uni Bern, Masterarbeit 2013. | Pfister, Patrik | 2013 |
Energy balance and ocean interactions in idealized future projections based on reduced-complexity climate models. Universität Bern, Dissertation | Pfister, Patrik | 2017 |
Consequences of 21st century policy for multi-millenial climate and sea-level change. Nature Climate Change 6, 360-369. | Clark, P.U., J.D, Shakun, S.A. Marcott, A.C. Mix, M. Eby, S. Kulp, A. Levermann, G.A. Milne, P.L. Pfister, B.D. Santer, D.P. Schrag, S. Solomon, T.F. Stocker, B.H. Strauss, A.J. Weaver, R. Winkelmann, D. Archer, E. Bard, A. Goldner, K. Lambck, R.T. Pierrehumbert u. G.-K. Plattner | 2016 |
IceBern2D: An efficient two-dimensional ice sheet model for paleoclimate studies. Universität Bern, 2014, Masterarbeit | Neff, Basil | 2014 |
An ice sheet model of reduced complexity for paleoclimate studies. Earth System Dynamics, 7, 397-418. | Basil Neff, A. Born, T. Stocker | 2016 |
Stratospheric age of air variations between 1600-2100. Geophys. Res. Lett. 43. | Muthers, S., A. Kucar, A. Stenke, J. Schmitt, J.G. Anet, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2016 |
Mapping the climate change challeng. Nature Climate Change 6, 663-668. | Hallegatte, S., J. Rogelj, M. Allen, L. Clarke, O. Edenhofer, C. Field, P. Friedlingstein, L. van Kesteren, R. Knutti, K.J. Mach, M. Mastrandrea, A. Michel, J. Minx, M. Oppenheimer, G.-K. Plattner, K. Riahi, M. Schaeffer, T.F. Stocker, D.P. van Vuuren | 2016 |
Transport of salt and freshwater in the Atlantic subpolar gyre. Ocean Dyn. 66, 1051-1064. | Born, Andreas, T.F. Stocker u. A.B. Sandö | 2016 |
Warm Greenland during the last interglacial: the role of regional changes in sea ice cover. Clim. Past. 12, 2011-2031. | Merz, Niklaus, A. Born. C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2016 |
Response of the AMOC to reduced solar ratiation - the modulating role of atmospheric-chemistry. Earth System Dyn. 7, 877-892. | Muthers, S., C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2016 |
Climate Change: A threat to the primary resources of land and water. Nestlé Foundation 50 Anniversary Report 2015, 166-169. | Stocker, Thomas | 2016 |
Ozean und Kryosphäre. In. Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz. Grundlagen, Folgen, Perspektiven. Swiss Academic Reports, 11, 5, 60-67. | Plattner, Gian-Kasper, T.F. Stocker, C. Marty, J. Nötzli, F. Paul u. C. Huggel | 2016 |
Impact of variations of gravitational acceleration on the general circulation of the planetary atmosphere. Planetary and Space Science 135, 1-16. | Kilic, C., C.C. Raible, T.F. Stocker u. E. Kirk | 2017 |
New insights into marine cycling of 231 Pa and 230 Th in the Atlantic Ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 468, 27-37. | Rempfer, Johannes, T.F. Stocker, F. Joos, J. Lippold u. S. Jaccard | 2017 |
Overestimate of committed warming. Nature 546, 10.1038/nature22803. | Schmidt, G.A., J. Severinghaus, A. Abe-Ouchi, R.B. Alley, W. Broecker, E. Brook, D. Etheridge, K. Kawamura, R.F. Keeling, M. Leinen, K. Marvel u. T.F. Stocker | 2017 |
Projected drought risk in 1,5°C and 2°C warmer climates. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL074117. | Lehner, Flavio, S. Coats, T.F. Stocker, A.G. Pendergrass, B.M. Sanderson, C.C: Raible u. J.E. Smerdon | 2017 |
State-dependence of the climate sensitivity in Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL075457. | Pfister, Patrik L. u. Stocker, T.F. | 2017 |
Auf der Suche nach dem ältesten Eis. In: 1997-2017 20 Jahre Prof. Dr. Werner-Petersen-Stiftung, 78-81. | Stocker, Thomas | 2017 |
Paleoclimate constraints on the impact of 2°C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature Geoscience 11, 7, 474-485. | Fischer, Hubertus et al. | 2018 |
Stable equatorial ice belts at high obliquity in a coupled atmosphere-ocean model. The Astrophysical Journal 864, 106. | Kiliç, Cevahir, F. Lunkeit, C.C. Raible u. T.F. Stocker | 2018 |
The realized warming fraction: A multi-model sensitivity study. Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aarbae. | Pfister, Patrik u. Stocker, T.F. | 2018 |
Emissions are still rising up: ramp up the cuts. Nature 564, 27-30. | Figueres, Christiane, K. Steffen, T.F. Stocker und 104 Co-Autoren | 2018 |
Decomposing time-dependent heat uptake efficacy using regional feedbacks in an intermediate-complexity. J. Climate (submitted) | Pfister, Patrik u. T.F. Stocker | 2018 |
Mechanisms of millennial-scale atmospheric CO2 change in numerical model simulations. Quaternary Science Reviews 220, 30-74. | Gottschalk, Julia, Gianna Battaglia, H. Fischer, Th. Frölicher, S. Jaccard, A. Jeltsch-Thömmes, F. Joos, P. Köhler, Katrin J. Meissner, Laurie Manviel, C. Nehrbass-Ahles, J. Schmitt, A. Schmittner, Luke C. Skinner u. T.F. Stocker | 2019 |
A South Atlantic island record uncovers shifts in westerlies and hydroclimate during the last glacial. Clim. Past Discuss. (accepted) | Björck, Svante, J. Sjolte, K. Ljung, F. Adolphi, R. Flower, R.H. Smittenberg, M.E. Kylander, T.F. Stocker, S. Holmgren, H. Jiang, R. Muscheler, Y.K.K. Afrifa, J.E. Rattray u. N. Van der Putten | 2019 |
Inverse response of 231Pa/230Th to variations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the North Atlantic intermediate water. Geo-Marine Lett. (submitted). | Süfke, F., H. Schulz, J. Scheer, S. Szidat, M. Regelous, P. Blaser, F. Pöppelmeier, T.J. Göpfert, T.F. Stocker u. J. Lippold | 2019 |
Wie wir die Klimawende schaffen. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ am Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2019, 60-61. | Knutti, Reto | 2019 |
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Multiple equilibria as a possible mechanism for decadal variability in the North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Climate, 28, 2015. | Born, Andreas, J. Mignot u. T.F. Stocker | 2015 |
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