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Aciego, S.M., B. Bourdon, J. Schwander u. T.F. Stocker | U-series recoil ages of ice core samples from Dome C, Antarctica. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 12, S1, A4. | 2008 | Aciego, S.M., B. Bourdon, J. Schwander u. T.F. Stocker | U-series recoil ages of ice core samples from Dome C, Antarctica. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 13, S1, A8. | 2009 | Allin, S.J., J.C. Laube, E. Witrant, J. Kaiser, E. McKenna, P. Dennis, R. Mulvaney, E. Capron, P. Martinerie, T. Roeckmann, T. Blunier, J. Schwander, P.J. Fraser, R.L. Langenfelds u. W.T. Sturges | Chlorine isotope composition in chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11, CFC12 and CFC113 in firn, stratospheric and tropospheric air. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 12, 6867-6877. | 2015 | Ammann, Brigitta, H.J.B. Birks, S.J. Brooks, U. Eicher, G. Lemdahl, J. Schwander, L. Wick u. H.E. Wright | Quantification of biotic responses to rapid climatic changes around Younger Dryas – a synthesis. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 159, 3-4, 313-347. | 2000 | Ammann, Brigitta, U. Eicher, J. Schwander, U. von Grafenstein, K. Novakova, S. brooks, J. van Leeuwen, L. Wick u. P. van der Knaap | Biotic responses to rapid climatic changes during the Late Glacial. Geographica Helvetica 63, 3, 160-166. | 2008 | Anklin, Martin J., J.-M. Barnola, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer u. D. Raynaud | Processes affecting the CO2 concentrations measured in Greenland ice. Tellus, Ser. B, 47, 461-470. | 1995 | Anklin, Martin, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer, J. Tschumi, A. Fuchs, J.-M. Barnola u. D. Raynaud | CO2 record between 40 and 8 kyr B.P. from the GRIP ice core. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 26539-26545. | 1997 | Appenzeller, Christof, J. Schwander, S. Sommer, u. T.F. Stocker | The North Atlantic Oscillation and its imprint on precipitation and ice accumulation in Greenland. Geophysical Research Letters 25, 11, 1939-1942. | 1998 | Barnola, J.-M., M. Anklin, J. Porcheron, D. Raynaud, J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer | CO2 evolution during the last millenium as recorded ab Antarctic and Greenland ice, Tellus, Ser. B, 47, 264-272. | 1995 | Baumgartner, Matthias, A. Schilt, O. Eicher, J. Schmitt, J. Schwander, R. Spahni, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker | High-resolution interpolar difference of atmospheric methane around the Last Glacial Maximum. Biogeosciences, 9, 10, 3961-3877. | 2013 | Baumgartner, Matthias, P. Kindler, O. Eicher, G. Floch, A. Schilt, J. Schwander, R. Spahni, E. Capron, J. Chappellaz, M. Leuenberger, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker | NGRIP CH4 concentration from 120 to 10 kyr before present and its relation to a ?15N temperature reconstruction from the same ice core. Climate of the Past, 9, 4655-4704. | 2013 | Baumgartner, Matthias, P. Kindler, O. Eicher, G. Floch, A. Schilt, J. Schwander, R. Spahni, E. Capron, J. Chappellaz, M. Leuenberger, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker | NGRIP CH4 concentration from 120 to 10 kyr before present and its relation to ?15N temperature reconstruction from the same ice core. Clim. Past, 10, pp. 903-920. | 2014 | Beer, Jürg, A. Blinov, G. Bonani, R.C. Finkel, H.J. Hofmann, B. Lehmann, H. Oeschger, A. Sigg, J. Schwander, T. Staffelbach, B. Stauffer, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli | Use of 10Be in Polar Ice to Trace the 11-Year Cycle of Solar Activity. Nature, 347, 164-166. | 1990 | Beer, Jürg, R.C. Finkel, G. Bonani, H. Gäggeler, U. Görlach, P. Jakob, D. Klockow, C.C. Langway, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger, U. Schotterer, J. Schwander, U. Siegenthaler, M. Suter, D. Wagenbach u. W. Wölfli | Seasonal Variations of 10Be, Cl-,NO_3, SO_4, H2O2, 210Pb, 3H Mineral Dust and ?18O in Greenland Snow. Atmospheric Environment 25A, 5/6, 899-904. | 1991 | Bereiter, Bernhard, J. Schwander, D. Lüthi u. T.F. Stocker | Changes in CO2 concentration and O2/N2 ratio in ice cores due to molecular diffusion. Geographical Research Letters, 36/L05703. | 2009 | Bereiter, Bernhard, H. Fischer, J. Schwander u. T.F. Stocker | Diffuse equilibration of N2. O2 and CO2 mixing ratios in a 1,5 million years old ice cores. The Cryosphere, 8, 1, 245-256. | 2014 | Blunier, Thomas, J.A. Chappellaz, J. Schwander, J.-M. Barnola, T. Desperts, B. Stauffer u. D. Raynaud | Atmospheric methane, record from Greenland ice core over the last 1000 years. Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, 2219-2222. | 1993 | Blunier, Thomas, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer et al. | Historical CH4 record from the Eurocore ice core at Summit, Greenland. In: Trends ,93: A Compendium of data on Global Change, edited by T.A. Boden, D.P. Kaiser, R.J. Sepanski and F.W. Stoss, pp. 244-249. | 1994 | Blunier, Thomas. J. Chappellaz, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer u. D. Raynaud | Variations in atmospheric methane concentration during the Holocene epoch. Nature 364, 218-220. | 1995 | Blunier, Thomas, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer, T.F. Stocker, A. Dällenbach, A. Indermühle, J. Tschumi, J. Chappellaz, D. Raynaud u. J.-M. Barnola | Timing of temperature variations during the last deglaciation in Antarctica and the atmospheric CO2 increase with respect to the Younger Dryas event. Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 2683-2686. | 1997 | Blunier, Thomas, J. Chappellaz, J. Schwander, A. Dällenbach, B. Stauffer, T.F. Stocker, D. Raynaud, J. Jouzel, H.B. Clausen, C.U. Hammer u. S.J. Johnsen | Asynchrony of Antarctic and Greenland climate change during the last gacial period. Nature, 394, 729-743. | 1998 | Blunier, Thomas u. J. Schwander | Gas enclosure in ice: age difference and fractionation. In: Physics of Ice Core Records, edited by T. Hondoh, pp. 307-326, Hokkaido University, Press, Sapporo. | 2000 | Blunier, Thomas u. J. Schwander, J. Chappellaz, F. Parrenin u. J.M. Barnola | What was the surface temperature in central Antarctica during the last glacial maximum? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 218, 3-4, 379-388. | 2004 | Blunier, Thomas, R. Spahni, J.-M- Barnola, J. Chappellaz, L. Loulergue u. J. Schwander | Synchronization of ice core records via atmospheric gases. Climate of the Past, 3, 2, 325-330. | 2007 | Huber, Christof, M. Leuenberger, J. Flückiger u. J. Schwander | Assessing the rapid temperature changes of DO events 9-12 from air isotope measurements on North GRIP. Abstract for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2003. | 2003 | Huber, Christof, U. Beyerle, M. Leuenberger, J. Schwander, R. Kipfer, R. Spahni | Evidence for molecular sizie dependent gas fraction in firn air derived from noble gases, oxygen, and nitrogen mesurements. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243, 1-2, 61-73. | 2006 | Huber, Christof, M. Leuenberger, R. Spahni, J. Flückiger, J. Schwander, T. F. Stocker, S.J. Johnsen, A. Landais u. J. Jouzel | Isotope calibrated Greenland temperature record over Marine Isotope Stage 3 and its relation to CH4. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243, 3-4, 504-519. | 2006 | Schilt, Adrian, M. Baumgartner, T. Blunier, J. Schwander, R. Spahni, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker | Glacial-interglacial and millennial scale variations in the atmospheric nitrous oxide concentrations during the last 800'000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, 1-2, 182-192. | 2010 | Schilt, Adrian, M. Baumgartner, J. Schwander, S. Schüpbach, R. Spahni, H. Fischer, T.F. Stocker et al. | Atmospheric nitrous oxide during the last 140'000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300, 1-2, 33-43. | 2010 | Schilt, Adrian, M. Baumgartner, O. Eicher, J. Chappellaz, J. Schwander, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker | The response of atmospheric nitrous oxide to climate variations during the last glacial period. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 1888-1893. | 2013 | Buizert, C., P. Martinerie, V.V. Petrenko, J.P. Severinghaus, C.M. Trudinger, E. Witrant, J.L. Rosen, A.J. Orsi, D.M. Etheridge, L.P. Steele, C. Hogan, J.C. Laube, W.T. Sturges, V.A. Levchenko, A.M. Smith, I. Levin, T.J. Conway, E.J. Dlugokencky, P.M. Lang, K. Kawamura, T.M. Jenk, J.W.C. White, T. Sowers, J. Schwander u. T. Blunier | Gas transport in firn: multiple-tracer characterisation and model intercomarison for NEEM, Northern Greenland. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 9, 4259-4277. | 2012 | Chappellaz, J., T. Blunier, D. Raynaud, J. Barnola, J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer | Synchronous changes in Atmospheric CH4 and Greenland climate between 40 and 8 kyr BP. Nature, 366, 443-445. | 1993 | Flückiger, Jacqueline, E. Monnin, B. Stauffer, J. Schwander, T.F. Stocker | High-resolution Holocene N2O ice core record and its relationship with CH4 and CO2. Global Biochemical Cycles, 16, 1, p. 1010. | 2002 | Flückiger, Jacqueline, T. Blunier, B. Stauffer, J. Chappellaz, R. Spahni, K. Kawamura, J. Schwander, T.F. Stocker u. D. Dahl-Jensen | N2O and CH4 variations during the last glacial epoch: Insight into global processes. Global Biochemical Cycles, 18, 1, GB 1020. | 2004 | Landais, A., M. Leuenberger, N. Caillon, J. Schwander u. J. Jouzel | Isotope fractionation of modern air in Dome C (Antarctica) polar firn. Abstract for EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice 2002. | 2002 | Landais, A., T. Blunier, J. Schwander et al. | A tentative reconstruction of the last interglacial and glacial inception in Greenland based on new gas mesurements in the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) ice core. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D 18, 4563-4563. | 2003 | Landais, A., J. Schwander et al. | Evidence for stratigraphic disortion in the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) during Event 5el (120 kyr BP) from gas isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research 109, D06103. | 2004 | Landais, A., V. Masson-Delmotte, J. Jouzel, D. Raynaud, S. Johnsen, C. Huber, M. Leuenberger, J. Schwander u. B. Minster | The glacial inception as recorded in the NorthGRIP Greenland ice core: timing, structure and associated abrupt temperature changes. Climate Dynamics, 26, 2-3, 273-284. | 2006 | Stauffer, Bernhard, H. Oeschger u. J. Schwander | Changes of atmospheric methane concentrations parallel to climate changes. Annals of Glaciology, 14, p. 359. | 1990 | Stauffer, Bernhard, E. Lochbronner, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. A. Neftel | CH4 record from ice cores at Byrd Station and Dye 3. In: Trends ´93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, edited by T.A. Boden, D.P. Kaiser, R.J. Sepanski and F.W. Stoss, pp. 234-238. | 1994 | Stauffer, Bernhard, T. Blunier, A. Dällenbach, A. Indermühle, J. Schwander, T. Stocker, J. Tschumi, J. Chappellaz, D. Raynaud, C.U. Hammer u. H.B. Clausen | Atmospheric CO2 concentration and millennial-scale climate change during the Last Glacial period. Nature 392, 59-62. | 1998 | Stauffer, Bernhard, J. Flückiger, E. Monnin, J. Schwander, J.-M. Barnola u. J. Chappellaz | Atmospheric CO2, CH4 und N2O records over the past 60 000 years based on the comparison of different polar ice cores. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 202-208. | 2002 | Udisti, R., S. Becagli, E. Castellano, R. Mulvaney, J. Schwander, S. Torcini u. E. Wolff | Holocene electrical and chemical mesurements from EPICA-Dome C ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 30, 20-26. | 2000 | Udisti, R., S. Becagli, S. Banassai, M. de Angelis, M.E. Hansson, J. Jouzel, J. Schwander, J.P. Steffensen, R. Traversi u. E. Wolff | Sensitivity of chemical species to climate changes in the past 45 kyr as revealed by high-resolution Dome C (East Antarctica) deep ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 39, 457-466. | 2004 | Udisti, R., J. Schwander et al. | Stratigraphic correlations between the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C and Vostok ice cores showing the relative variations of snow accumulation over the past 45 kyr. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D08101. | 2004 | Dahl-Jensen, D., J. Schwander et al. | Wonders from a new 3085m Deep Ice Core From NorthGRIP on Greenland Ice Sheet. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2004. | 2004 | Eicher, Olivier, M. Baumgartner, A. Schilt, J. Schmitt, J. Schwander, T.F. Stocker u. H. Fischer | Climatic and insolation control on the high-resolution total air content in the NGRIP ice core. Climate of the Past, 12, 10,5194/cp, 1979-1993. | 2016 | Eisen, O., F. Wilhelms, D. Steinhage u. J. Schwander | Improved method todetermine radio-echo sounding reflector depths from ice-core profiles of permittivity and conductivity. Journal of Glaciology, 52, 177, 299-310. | 2006 | EPICA Community Members | Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core. Nature 429, 623-628. | 2004 | EPICA Community Members | One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica. Nature, 444, 195-198. | 2006 | Fernandoy, F., H. Meyer, H. Oerter, F. Wilhelms, W. Graf u. J. Schwander | Temporal and spatial variation of stable-isotope ratios and accumulation rates in the hinterland of Neumayer Station, East Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 56, 198, 673-687. | 2010 | Fischer, Hubertus, J. Severingaus, E. Brook, E. Wolff, M. Albert, O. Alemany, R. Althern, C. Bentley, D. Blankenship, J. Chappellaz, T. Creyts, D. Dahl-Jensen, M. Dinn,, M. Frezzotti, S. Fujita, H. Gallee, R. Hindmarsch, D. Hudspeth, G. Jugie, K. Kawamura, V. Lipenkov, H. Miller, R. Milvany, F. Pattyn, C. Ritz, J. Schwander, D. Steinhage, T. van Ommen u. F. Wilhelms | Where to find 1.5 million year old ice for the IPICS Oldest Ice core. Climate of the Past, 9, 2489-2505. | 2013 | Fuchs, A., J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer | A new ice mill allows precise concentration determination of methane and most probably also other trace gases in the bubble air of very small ice samples. Journal of Glaciology, 39, 199-203. | 1993 | GRIP (Greenland Ice-core members) | Climate instability during the Last Interglacial period recorded in the GRIP ice core. Nature, 364, 203-207 | 1993 | Johnsen, S.J., H. Clausen, K. Cuffey. G. Hoffmann,J. Schwander u. T. Creyts | Diffusion of stable isotopes in polar firn and ice: the isotope effect in firn diffusion. Physics of Ice Core Records, pp. 121-140. | 2000 | Johnsen, S.J., H. Rufli, J. Schwander et al. | The Hans Tausen drill: Design, performance, further developments and some lessens learned. Annals of Glaciology, 47, 89-98. | 2007 | Jouzel, J., V. Masson-Delmotte, O. Cattani, S. Falourd, M. Stieenard, B. Stenni, A. Longinelli, S.J. Johnsen, J.P. Steffensen, J.R. Petit, Schwander, R. Souchez u. B.I. Barkov | A new 27 ky high resolution East Antarctic climate record. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 16, 3199-3202. | 2001 | Jouzel, J., V. Masson-Delmotte, O. Cattani, G. Dreyfus, S. Falourd, G. Hoffmann, B. Minster, J. Nouet, J.-M. Barnola, J. Chappellaz, H. Fischer, J.C. Gallet, S. Johnsen, M. Leuenberger, L. Loulergue, D. Lüthi, H. Oerter, F. Parrenin, G. Raisbeck, D. Raynod, A. Schilt, J. Schwander, E. Selmo, R. Souchez, R. Spahni, B. Stauffer, J.P. Steffensen, B. Stenni, T.F. Stocker, J.L. Tiso, M. Werner u. E.W. Wolff | Orbital and millenial Antarctic climate variability over the past 800,000 years. Science 317, 5839, 793-796. | 2007 | Kaspers, K.A., R.S.W. van de Wal, J. Schwander et al. | Model calculations of the age of firn air across the Antarctic continent. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 5, 1365-1380. | 2004 | Kindler, Philippe, M. Guillevic, M. Baumgartner, J. Schwander, A. Landais u. M. Leuenberger | Temperature reconstruction from 10 to 120 kyr b2k from the NGRIP ice core. Clim. Past 10, 887-902. | 2014 | Kobashi, T., T. Ikeda-Fukazawa, M. Suwa, J. Schwander, T. Kameda, J. Lundin, A. Hori, H. Motoyama, M. Döring u. M. Leuenberger | Post bubble-close-off fractionation of gasses in polar firn: Effects of accumulation rate on permeation through loading pressure. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 24, 13895-13914. | 2015 | Lang, Clemens, M. Leuenberger, J. Schwander u. S. Johnson | 16° C Rapid Temperature Variation in Central Greenland 70'000 Years Ago. Science, 286, 934-937. | 1999 | Laube, J.C., P. Martinerie, E. Witrant, T. Blunier, J. Schwander, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, T.J. Schuck, M. Bolder, T. Röckmann, C. van der Veen, H. Bönisch, A. Angel, G.P. Mills, M.J. Newland, D.E. Oram, C.E. Reeves u. W.T. Sturges | Accelerating growth of HFC-227ea (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane) in the atmosphere. Atmos. Chem. Phys., vol. 10, 5903-5910, 10.5194/acp-10-59903-2010, 2010. | 2010 | Laube, J.C., C. Hogan, M.J. Newland, F.S. Mani, P. Fraser, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, P. Martinerie, D.E. Oram, T. Röckmann, J. Schwander, G.P. Mills, C.E. Reeves u. W.T. Surges | Distribution, long term trends and emissions of four perfluorocarbons in remote parts od the atmosphere and firn air. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., vol. 12, 4073-4100. doi:10.5194/acpd-12-4073-2012. | 2012 | Leuenberger, Markus, C. Lang u. J. Schwander | ?15N measurements as a calibration tool for the paleothermometer and gas-ice age differences: A case study for 8200 B.P. event on GRIP ice. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, D18, 22163-22170. | 1999 | Leuenberger, Markus, P. Nyfeler, H.P. Moret, P. Sturm, A. Indermühle u. J. Schwander | Concentration mesurements on air samples by mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 14, 16, pp. 1552-1557. | 2000 | Leuenberger, Markus, P. Nyfeler u. J. Schwander | Isotopic and Elemental Ratio Measurements on air from North Grip Air Sampling 2001, Abstract for EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice 2002. | 2002 | Lupker, M., S.M. Aciego, B. Bourdon, J. Schwander, T.F. Stocker | Isotopic tracing (Sr, Nd, U and Hf) of continental and marine aerosols in an 18th century section of Dye-3 ice core (Greenland). Earth and Planetary Letters, 295, 1-2, 277-286. | 2010 | Lüthi, Daniel, B. Bereiter, B. Stauffer, R. Winkler, J. Schwander, P. Kindler, M. Leuenberger, S. Kipfstuhl, E. Capron, A. Landais, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker | CO2 and O2/N2 variations in and just below the bubble-clathrate transformation zone of Antarctic ice cores. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 1-2, 226-233. | 2010 | Monnin, Eric, E.J. Steig, U. Siegenthaler, K. Kawamura, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer, T.F. Stocker, D.L. Morse, J.-M. Barnola, B. Bellier, D. Raynaud, H. Fischer et al. | Evidence for substantial accumulation rate variability in Antarctica during the Holocene, through synchronization of CO2 in the Tayler Dome C and DML ice cores. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224, 1-2, 45-54. | 2004 | Mulvaney, R., R. Röthlisberger, , E.W: Wolff, S. Sommer, J. Schwander, M.A. Hutterli u. J. Jouzel | The transition from the last glacial period in inland and near-coastal Antarctica. Geophysical research Letters, 27, 17, 2673-2676. | 2000 | NEEM community members: Dahl-Jensen, D., M.R. Albert, A. Aldahan, N. Azuma, D. Balslev-Clausen, M. Baumgartner, A.-M. Berggren, M. Bigler, T. Binder, T. Blunier, J.C. Bourgeois, E.J. Brook, S.L. Burchardt. C. Buizert, E. Capron, J. Chappellaz, J. Chung, H.B. Clausen, I. Cijanovic, S.M. Davis, P. Ditlevsen, O. Eicher, H. Fischer, D.A. Fisher, L. Fleet, G. Gfeller. V. Gkinis, S. Gogieni, K. Goto-Azuma, A. Grinstad, H. Gudlaugsdottir, M. Guillevic, S.B. Hansen, M. Hansson, M. Hirabayashi, S. Hong, S.D. Hur, P. Huybrechts, C. Hvidberg, Y. Iizuka, T. Jenk, S.J. Johnsen, T.T.Jones,J. Jouzel, N.B. Karlson, K. Kawamura, K. Keegan, E. Kettner, S. Kipfstuhl, H.A. Kjaer, M. Koutnik, T. Kuramoto, P. Köhler, T. Laepple, A. Landais, P. Langen, L.B. Larsen, D. Leuenberger, M. Leuenberger, C. Leuschen, J. Li, V. Lipenkov, P. Martinerie, O.J. Maselli, V. Masson-Delmotte, J.R. McConnell, H. Miller, O. Mini, A. Miyamoto, M. Montahnat-Rentier, R. Mulvaney, R. Muscheler, A.J. Orsi, J. Paden, C. Panton, F. Pattyn,, J.R. Petit, K. Pol, G. Possnert, F. Prié, M. Prokopiou, A. Quinque, S.O. Rasmussen, D. Raynaud, J. Ren, C. Reutenauer, C. Ritz, T. Roeckmann, J.L. Rosen, M. Rubino, O. Rybak, D. Samyn, C.J. Sapart, A. Schilt, A. Schmidt, J. Schwander, S. Schüpbach, I. Seierstad, T. Sowers, P. Sperlich, H.C. Stehen-Larsen, K. Steffen, J.P. Steffensen, D. Steinhage, T.F. Stocker, C. Stowasser, A.S. Sturevik, B. Sturges, A. Sveinbjörndottir, A. Svensson, J.-L. Tison, J. Uetake, P. Vallelonga, RSW. Van de Wal, G. van der Wel, B.H. Vaughn, B. Vinther, E. Waddington, A. Wegner, I. Weikusat, J.W.C. White, F. Wilhelms, M. Winstrup, E. Witrant, E. Wolff, C. Xiao,u. J. Zheng | Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core. Nature, 493, 489-494. | 2013 | Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer u. R. Zumbrunn | Ice core sample measurements give atmospheric CO2 content during the past 40'000 years. Nature Vol. 295, 220-223. | 1982 | Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer | Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Bubbles of Natural Cold Ice. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 87, 4116-4120. | 1983 | Neftel, Albrecht, M. Andrée, J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer | Measurements of a kind of DC-conductivity on cores from Dye 3. In: Greenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Environment. AGU Geophysical Monograph 33, edited by C.C. Langway, H. Oeschger and W. Dansgaard, pp. 32-38, Washington 1985. | 1985 | NGRIP community members: K.K. Andersen, N. Azuma, J.-M, Barnola, M. Bigler, P. Biscaye, N. Caillon, J. Chappellaz, H.B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, H. Fischer, J. Flückiger, D. Fritzsche, Y. Fujii, G. Goto-Azuma, K. Grønvold, N.S.Gundestrup, M. Hansson, C. Huber, C.S. Hvidberg, S.J. Johnsen, U. Jonsell, J. Jouzel, S. Kipfstuhl, A. Landais, M. Leuenberger, R. Lorrain, V. Masson-Delmotte, H. Miller, H. Motoyama, H. Narita, T. Popp, S.O. Rasmussen, D. Raynaud, R. Röthlisberger, U. Ruth, D. Samyn, J. Schwander, H. Shoji, M.-L. Siggard-Andersen, J.P. Steffensen, T.F. Stocker, A.E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir, A. Svensson, M. Takata, J.-L. Tison, Th. Thorsteinsson, O. Watanabe, F. Wilhelms u. J.W.C White | High-resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate extending into the last interglacial period. Nature 431, 147-151, doi:10.1038/nature2805. | 2004 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, W. Berner u. J. Schwander | Atmospheric CO2 History from Ice Core Studies. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. 17, Heft 1, 1-15. | 1981 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, A. Neftel, J. Schwander u. R. Zumbrunn | Atmospheric CO2 content in the past deduced from ice core analysis. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 3, 227-232. | 1982 | Parrenin, F., J. Schwander et al. | 1-D-ice flow modelling at EPICA Dome C and Dome Fuji, East Antarctica. Climate of the Past, 3, 2, 243-259. | 2007 | Parrenin, F., J.-M. Barnola, J. Beer, T. Blunier, E. Castellano, J. Chappellaz, G. Dreyfus, H. Fischer, S. Fujita, J. Jouzel, K. Kawamura, B. Lemieux-Dudon, V. Masson-Delmotte, B. Narcisi, J.-R. Petit, G. Raisbeck, D. Raynaud, U. Ruth, J. Schwander, M. Severi, R. Spahni, J.P. Steffensen, A. Svensson, R. Udisti, C, Waelbroeck u. E. Wolff | The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core. Climate of the Past, 3, 3, 485-497. | 2007 | Parrenin, F., V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Koehler, D. Raynaud, D. Paillard, J. Schwander, C. brabante, A. Landais, A. Wegner u. J. Jouzel | Synchronous Change of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature During the Last Degacial Warming. Science 339/6123, 1060-1063. | 2013 | Petrenko, V.V., P. Martinerie, P. Novelli, D.M. Etheridge, I. Levin, Z. Wang, T. Blunier, J. Chappellaz, J. Kaiser, P. Lang, L.P. Steele, S. Hammer, J. Petron, M.O. Battle, G. Forster, W.T. Sturges, J.-F. Lamarque, K. Steffen u. J.W.C. White | A 60-yr record of atmospheric carbon monoxide reconstructed from Greenland firn air. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 15, 7567-7585. | 2013 | Popp, T.J., S.B. Hansen, S.G. Sheldon, J. Schwander u. J.A. Johnson | Drilling into debris-rich basal ice at the bottom of the NEEM (Greenland) borehole. Annals of Glaciology 55(68), 199-206. | 2014 | Rufli, Henry u. J. Schwander | A floating-station structure, Annals of Glaciology, 47, 79-81. | 2007 | Sapart, C.J., P. Martinerie, J. Chappellaz, P. Sperlich, C. van der Veen, R.S.W. van de Wal, W.T. Surges, T. Blunier, E. Witrant, J. Schwander, D. Etheridge u. T. Röckmann | Reconstruction of the carbon isotopic composition of methane over the last 50 years based on firn air records from 11 polar sites. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12,4, 9587-9619. | 2012 | Siddall, M., T.F. Stocker, T. Blunier, R. Spahni, J. Schwander et al. | Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 8 millennial variability stratigraphically indentical to MIS 3. Paleoceanography, 22, PA 1208. | 2007 | Siegenthaler, Urs, E. Monnin, R. Spahni, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer, T.F. Stocker, J.-M. Barnola, H. Fischer | Supporting evidence from EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice core for atmospheric CO2 changes during the past millennium. Tellus 57B, 51-57. | 2005 | Siegenthaler, Urs, T.F. Stocker, E. Monnin, D. Lüthi, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer, H. Fischer et al. | Stable carbon cycle-climate relationship during the late Pleistocene. Science, 310, 5752, 1313-1317. | 2005 | Spahni, Renato, J. Schwander, J. Flückiger, B. Stauffer, J. Chappellaz u. D. Raynaud | The attenuation of fast atmospheric CH4 variations recorded in polar ice cores. Geophysical Research Letters, 30, 11, p. 1571. | 2003 | Spahni, Renato, J. Chappellaz, T.F. Stocker, L. Loulergue, G. Hausammann, K. Kawamura, J. Flückiger, J. Schwander, D. Raynaud, V. Masson-Delmotte u. J. Jouzel | Atmospheric methane and nitrous oxide of the late Pleisticene from Antarctic ice cores. Science, 310, 5752, 1317-1321. | 2005 | Stauffer, Bernhard u. J. Schwander | Core processing and analyses of ice cores drilled at the South Pole. Antarctic Journal, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 114-116. | 1983 | Stauffer, Bernhard u. J. Schwander | Core processing and first analysis of ice cores from Siple Station and from South Pole. 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Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, S. Falourd, X. Fettweis, H. Gallée, J. Jouzel, M. Kageyama, H. Lerche, B. Minster, G. Picard, H.J. Punge, C. Risi, D. Salas, J. Schwander, K. Steffen, A.E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir, A. Svensson u. J. White | Understanding the climate signal in the water stable isotope records from the NEEM shallow firn/ice cores in North-West Greenland. J. Geophys. Res. 116, D06108, doi:10,1029/2010JD014311. | 2011 | Stenni, B., D. Burion, M. Frezzotti, S. Alberti, M. Baumgartner, C. Brabante, E. Bard, H.M. Barnola, M. Baroni, M. Bonazza, Delmonte, E. Capron, E. Castellano, B. Delmonte, S. Falourd, L. Genoni, P. Iacunin, J. Jouzel, S. Kipfstuhl, B. Lemieux-Dudon, V. Maggi, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Mazzola, B. Minster, M. Montagnat, R. Mulveney, B. Narcisi, H. Oerter, F. Parrenin. J.R. Petit, C. Scarilli, A. Schilt, S. Schüpbach, J. Schwander, E. Selmo, M. Severi, T.F. Stocker u. R. Udisti | Expression of the bipolar see-saw in Antarctic climate records during the last deglaciation. 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Steele, B.R. Miller, J. Laube, F.S. Mani, P.J. Rayner, C.M. Harth, E. Witrant, T. Blunier, J. Schwander, S. O'Doherty u. M. Battle. | Atmospheric abundance and global emissions of perfluorcarbons CF4, C2F6 and C3F8 since 1800 inferred from ice core, firn archive and in situ measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 18, 11733-11754. | 2016 | Walker, M., J. Schwander et al. | The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) fort he base of Holocene Series/Epoch (Quaternary System/Period) in the NGRIP ice core. Episodes, 31, 2, 264-267. | 1995 | Walker, M., J. Schwander et al. | Formal definition and dating of the GSSP (Global Stratotype section and Point) for the base of the Holocene using the Greenland NGRIP ice core, and selected auxiliary records. Journal of Quaternary Science, 24, 1, 3-17. | 2009 | Weiler, K., J. Schwander, P. Nyfeler, M. Leuenberger, P. Kaufmann, H. 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Nature Geoscience, 7, 4, 266-269, 2014. | 2014 | Chapellaz, J., T. Blunier, M. Anklin, J.M. Barnola, J. Schwander, D. Raynaud u. B. Stauffer | The GRIP records of atmospheric CH4 and CH2 and their link with Greenland climate, EOS, 74, 43, 78 | 1993 | Gundestrup, N.S., J.P. Steffensen u. J. Schwander | The GRIP deep drilling camp. In: Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, Ice drilling technology. Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Ice drilling technology, Tokyo, April 20-23, 1993, 358-370, Tokyo, 1994. | 1994 | Johnsen, S.J., N.S. Gundestrup, S.B. Hansen, J. Schwander u. H. Rufli | The new improved version of the ISTUK ice core drill. In: Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Ice drilling technology. Porc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology, Tokyo, April 20-23, 1993, 9-23, Tokyo, 1994. | 1994 | Gundestrup, N.S., S.J. Johnsen, P. Journé u. J. Schwander | The EPICA deep ice core drill. 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Reimann, S. O'Doherty, M. Maione, D.M. Etheridge, S.L. Li, D.P. Verdonk, S. Park, G. Dutton, L.P. Steele, C.R. Luanda, T. S. Rhee, O. Hermansen, N. Schmidbauer, R.H.J. Wand, M. Hill, P.K. Salameh, R.L. Langenfelds, L.X. Zhou, T. Blunier, J. Schwander. J.W. Elkins, J.H. Butler, P.G. Simmonds, R.F. Weiss, R.F. Pinn iu. P.J. Fraser | Atmospheric histories and global emissions of halons H-1211 (CBrClF2), H-1301 (CBrF3), and H-2401 (CBrF2CBrF2). Journal of Geophysicl Research Atmospheres, 121, 7, 3663-3686. | 2016 | Schwander, Jakob, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer | Measurement of Direct Current Conductivity on Ice Samples for Climatological Applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 87, 4157-4160. | 1983 | Schwander, Jakob, B. Stauffer u. H. Oeschger | Leitfähigkeitsmessungen an Eisbohrkernen für klimatische Anwendungen. Helvetiva Physica Acta, 56, 4, 921-922. | 1983 | Schwander, Jakob | Lufteinschluss im Eis von Grönland und der Antarktis. Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit von Eisproben für klimatologische Anwendung. Universität Bern, Dissertation 1984. | 1984 | Schwander, Jakob u. B. Stauffer | Age difference between polar ice and the air trapped in its bubbles. Nature, 311, 5981, 45-47. | 1984 | Schwander, Jakob | CO2 and 13C-measurements on ice cores. In: Carbon Dioxide Transfer in the Atmosphere-Ocean-Terrestrial System, edited by R.S. Keir and W.H. Berger, pp. 127-128, SIO Reference 85-31, Lake Arrowhead, 1985. | 1985 | Schwander, Jakob u. B. Stauffer | Core processing and first analysis of ice cores from Siple Station and from South Pole. Antarctic Journal, 9184 Review, 19, 5, 114-116. | 1985 | Schwander, Jakob, B. Stauffer u. A. Sigg | Air mixing in firn and the age of the air at pore close-off. Annals of Glaciology, 10, 141-145. | 1988 | Schwander, Jakob | The transformation of Snow to Ice and the Occlusion of Gases. 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Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology, Tokyo, April 20-23, 1993, pp. 93-98, Tokyo 1994. | 1994 | Schwander, Jakob | Eis als Archiv für Klima- und Umweltvorgänge. In: Gletscher im ständigen Wandel, pp. 65-79. vdf Hochschulverlag AG, ETH Zürich. | 1995 | Schwander, Jakob | Gas diffusion in firn. In: Chemical Exchange Between Atmosphere and polar Snow. NATO ASI Ser., Vol. I, 43, edited by E.W. Wolff and R.C. Bales, pp. 527-540. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. | 1996 | Schwander, Jakob, J. Jouzel, C.U. Hammer, J.-R. Petit, R. Udisti u. E. Wolff | A tentative chronology for the EPICA Dome Concordia ice core. Geophysical Research Letters 28, 22, 4243-4246. | 2001 | Schwander, Jakob | Ice Core Methods: Chronologies. In: Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, edited by S.A. Elias, pp. 1173-1181. | 2007 | Schwander, Jakob, S. Marending, T.F. Stocker u. H. Fischer | RADIX: A minimal recources rapid-access drilling system. Annals of Glaciology 55, 68, 34-38. | 2014 | Schwander, J. T. Sowers, J.-M. Barnola, T. Blunier, B. Malaizé u. A. Fuchs | Age scale of air in the summit ice: Implication for glacial-interglacial temperature change. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (D16), 19483-19494, 1997. | 1997 |
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