Gabriela Schaepman-Strub

Ass. Prof. Dr. Uni Zürich. Studierte Geografie und Biologie. Leitet seit 2008 Expeditionen in die sibirische Arktis. Ökologie und Fernerkundung von arktischen Ökosystemen, Wechselwirkung von Strahlung und Vegetation.
2016-2019 Vicepräsidentin der Schweiz. Polarkommission SKPH. Mitgl. im Wissenschafts- und Technologieausschuss des Swiss Polar Instituts (SPI),
2021-2023 Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des Swiss Polar Institute als Nachfolgerin von Koni Steffen.
Schweizer Delegierte des Internat. Arctic Science Committee (ISAC) und Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Terrestrial WG. Schweizer Vertreterin der Biodiversitätsgruppe des Arktischen Rates
2018: Leister Grönland-Expedition, 2021 Arctic Century Expedition.
Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela

Schaepman-Strub, Gabriela. CV


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Bertholomeus, H., G. Schaepman-Strub, D. Blok, R. Sofronov u. S. Udaltsov Spectral Estimation of Soil Proerties in Siberian Tundra Soils and Relation with Plant Species Composition. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 12, art. No.241535. doi10.1055/2012/241535.2012
Blok, D., M. Heijmans, G. Schaepman-Strub u. F. Berends Shrub expansion may reduce summer permafrost thaw in Siberian tundra. Global Change Biology 16, 1296-1305. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2386.2009.02110.x.2009
Blok, D., U. Sass-Klaassen, G. Schaepman-Strub et al. What are the main climate drivers for shrub growth in Northeastern Siberian tundra? Biogeosciences 8, 1169-1179. doi:10.5194/bg-8-1169-2011.2011
Blok, D., G. Heijmans, G. Schaepman-Strub, J. van Ruiven, F. Parmentier, T. Maximov u. F. Berends The Cooling Capacity of Mosses: Controls on Water and Energy Fluxes in a Siberian Tundra Site. Ecosystems 14, 7, 1-11. doi:10.1007/s10021-011-9463-5.2011
Blok, D., G. Schaepman-Strub, H. Bartholomeus, M. Heijmans, T.C. Maximov and F. Berends The response of Arctic vegetation to the summer climate: relation between shrub cover. NDVI, surface albedo and temperature. Environmental Research Letters 6, 3. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/035502.2011
Juszak, I., A.M. Erb, T.C. Maximov u. G. Schaepman-Strub Arctic schrubeffects on NDVI, summer albedo and soil shading. Remote Sensing of Environment 153, 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.07.0212014
Myers-Smith, I.H., B.C. Forbas, M. Wilmking, T. Lantz, D. Blok, K.D. Tape, M. Maclas-Fauria, U. Sass, Klaassen, E. Lévesque, S. Boudreau, P. Ropars, L. Hermanutz, A. Trant, L.S. Collier, S. Weijers, J. Rozema, S.A. Rayback, N.M. Schmidt, G. Schaepman-Strub, S. Wipf, C. Rixen, C.B. Ménard, S. Venn, S. Goetz, L. Andreu-Hayles, S. Elmendorf, V. Ravolainen, J. Welker, P. Grogan, H.E. Epstein u. D.S. Hik Shrub expansion in tundra ecosystems: Dynamics, impacts and research priorities. Environmental Research Letters 6. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045509, 15 pp.2011
Myers-Smith, I. H. … G. Schaepman-Strub et al. Climate senititvity of shrub growth across the tundra biome. Nature Climate Change 5, 887-891. doi:10.1038/inclimate2697.2015
Parmentier, F.J.W., J. Van Huissteden, M.K. van der Molen, A.J. Dolman, G. Schaepman-Strub, S.A. Karanaev u. T.C. Maximov Spatial and temporal dynamics in eddy covariance observations of methane fluxes at a tundra site in Northeastern Siberia. J. Geophys. Res. doi:10.1029/2010JG001637,2011
Myers-Smith, I.H., Ch. Rixen, G. Schaepman-StrubClimate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome. Nature Climate Change.2015
Ksenofontov, Stanislav, N. Backhaus, G. Schaepman-StrubTo fish or not to fisch?: fishing communities of Arctic Yakutia in the face of environmental change and political transformations. Polar Record, 53, 3, 289-303.2017
Ksenofontov, Stanislav, N. Backhaus, G. Schaepman-StrubThere are new species: indigenous knowledge of biodiversity change in Arctic Yakutia. Polar Geography, 42, 1, 34-572019
Le Moigne, Alizée, M. Bartosivicz, G. Schaepman-Strub, S. Abiven, J. PernthalerThe biogeochemical variability of Arctic thermokarst ponds is reflected by stochastic and niche-driven microbial community assembly processes. Environ. Microbiol. , 22, 4847-4862. doi org/10.1111/1462-2920.152602020
Hubertus Fischer, L. Chanteloup, Y. Csonka, P. Holm, S. Jaccard, G. Schaepman-Strub, J. Schmale, A. VieliDie Arktis unter Druck. Menschgemachter Wandel in der Arktis und die Rolle der Schweiz. Swiss Academics Reports 17, 4.2022
Schaepman-Strub, GabrielaDie grüne Arktis. In: Stützle, Martin und F. Walcher: The Glacier's Essence, pp. 210-220.2020
Imhasly, Patrick, Interview, Gabriela Schaepman-StrubDie Torfböden brennen. NZZ am Sonntag, 28. Juni 2020, S. 43.2020