Henri Rufli

Veteran für Eisbohrungen, Grönland und Antarktis 1972, 1984.
War bei den Pilatus-Flugzeugwerken angestellt, bevor er ans Physikalische Institut der Uni Bern kam.
Hat die Eisbohrtechnik weiterentwickelt.
Rufli, Henri

born 1940
Rufli, Henri, 2. Teil

Rufli, Henri, 1. Teil


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Johnsen, S.J., H. Rufli, J. Schwander et al. The Hans Tausen drill: Design, performance, further developments and some lessens learned. Annals of Glaciology, 47, 89-98.2007
Schwander, Jakob u. H. Rufli Electromechanical drilling in dry holes to medium depths. In: Ice core drilling, Proceedings of the third international workshop in ice drilling technology, pp. 32-37, Grenoble 10.-14. Okt. 1988.1989
Schwander, Jakob u. H. Rufli Electromechanical drilling of a 300-m core in a dry hole at Summit, Greenland. In: Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Ice drilling technology. Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology, Tokyo, April 20-23, 1993, pp. 93-98, Tokyo 1994.1994
Weiler, K., J. Schwander, P. Nyfeler, M. Leuenberger, P. Kaufmann, H. Rufli et al. Estimating the age difference between gas and ice from very old firn samples at Kohnen station.2006
Johnsen, S.J., N.S. Gundestrup, S.B. Hansen, J. Schwander u. H. RufliThe new improved version of the ISTUK ice core drill. In: Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Ice drilling technology. Porc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology, Tokyo, April 20-23, 1993, 9-23, Tokyo, 1994.1994
Rufli, Henry, B. Stauffer, u. H. Oeschger Lightweight 50-Meter Core Drill for Firn and Ice. In: Ice-Core Drilling, University of Nebraska Press, edited by J.F. Splettstoesser, pp. 139-153.1976
Rufli, Henry u. J. Schwander A floating-station structure, Annals of Glaciology, 47, 79-81.2007