Manuel Renold

Dr. Uni Bern, untersucht abrupte Klimaschwankungenavatar image


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Yoshimori, M., C.C. Raible, T.F. Stocker u. M. Renold On the interpretation of low-latitude hydrological proxy records based on Mounder Minimum AOGCM simulations. Climate Dynamics, 27, 5, 493-513.2006
Yoshimori, M., T.F. Stocker, C.C. Raible u. M. Renold Externally forced and internal variability in ensemble climate simulations of the Mounder Minimum. Journal of Climate, 18, 20, 4253-4270.2005
Yoshimori, M., M. Renold, C.C. Raible u. T.F. StockerSimulated decadal oscillations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a cold climate state. Clim. Dyn. 34, 101-121.2010
Renold, Manuel, C.C. Raible, M. Yoshimori u. T.F. StrockerSimulated resumtion of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation - Slow basin-wide advection and abrupt local convection. Quat. Sci. Rev. 29, 101-112.2010