René O. Ramseier

(gestorben 2006 oder 2007). Dr. Glaziologe. Ice Branch, Atmospheric Environment Service, 473 Albert Street, Ottawa, K 1 A OH3, Canada.
CRREL, Hanover, USA. Microwave Group, Ottawa
SPK 1988, Seite 109. Polar Record Nr. 73, 1963. CRRL Amundsen-Scott
1960/61 in McMurdo und Südpolstation. Ramseier Glacier nach René Ramseier benannt.
War befreundet mit der Familie von Hans Ramseier (1923-2009)
René Ramseier war an ALS erkrankt, lebte zeitweise in Miami wegen Klima, zuletzt pflegte ihn sein Sohn in Kanada.
Ramseier, René O.


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Garrity, C., K.W. Asmus u. R. O. RamseyerInternational Arctic Ocean Experiment: WAGB-10 Polar Star Platform Remote Sensing Group, Nordland Science and Engineering Contract 159H, Ottawa, Canada.1992
Mätzler, C., R.O. Ramseier u. E. SvendsenPolarisation effects of sea ice signatures. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, OE-9, 5, 333-338.1984
Lapp, David u. René O. RamseierUse of Satellite Aperture Radar Imagery in Arctic Marine Design and Sea-Ice Studies (Abstract only). Annals of Glaciology, 4, 1983, p. 301.1983
Gow, Antony J. u. René O. RamseierAge Hardening of Snow at the South Pole. Journal of Glaciology, 4, 35, 521-536.1963
Abele, Gunars, René O. Ramseier u. A.F. WuoriDesign Criteria for Snow Runways. CRREL Technical Report 212.1968
Rolf Reinert, A. Antia, E. Bauerfeind, B.v.Bodungen. O. Haupt, M. Krumbholz, I. Peeken, R.O. Ramseier, M. Voss u. B. ZeitschelParticle Flux Variability in the Polar and Atlantic Biogeochemical Provinces of the Nordic Seas. In: The Northern North Atlantic, (eds. P. Schäfer, W. Ritzrau, M. Schlüter u. J. Thiede), pp. 53-68. Springer, Berlin 2000,2000
Vant, M.R., Gray, R.B., Ramseseier, R.O., V. MakiosDielectric properties of fresh and sea ice at 10 and 35 GHz. J. Appl. Phys.., 45, 4712-4717.1974
Swift, C.T., L.S. Fedor, R.O. RamseierAn algorithm to measure sea ice concentration with microwave radiometers. J. Geophys. Res., 1984.1984
Hollinger, I.P., B.E. Troy, R.O. Ramseier, K.W. Asmus, M.F. Hartman u. C.A. LutherMicrowave emission from high arctic sea ice during freeze-up. J. Geophys. Res. 19841984
Ramseier, R. u. L. Pavlak Unconfined Creep of Polar Snow. Journal of Glaciology 5, 39, 325-332.1964
René O. RamseierSome Physical and Mechanical Properties of Polar Snow. Journal of Glaciology, 4, 36, 753-769.1963
Ramseier, R.O., E. Bauerfeind, C. Garrity u. I.D. WalshSeasonal variability of sediment trap collections in the Northeast Water Polynya. Part 1: Sea-ice parameters and particle flux. Journal of Marine Systems, 10,359-369.1997
Ramseyer, René O., C. Garrity, u, T. MartinAn overview of sea-ice conditions in the Greenland Sea and the relationship of oceanic sedimantation to the ice regime. The Northern North Atlantic, Springer, 2001.2001