Thomas Phillips

Dr. Assistent von Konrad Steffen in Boulder. Datenmanagement des Greenland Climate Network. Bei Syngenta: Head Weather Risk.Phillips, Thomas

born 1981


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Colgan, W., H. Rajaram, R. Anderson, K. Steffen, T. Phillips, I. Joughin, H.J. Zwally u. W. Abdalati The annual glaciohydrology cycle in the ablation zone of the Greenland ice sheet: Part I: Hydrology Model. J. of Glaciology 57, 204, 697-709.2011
Colgan, W., H. Rajaram, K. Steffen, I. Joughin, W. Abdalati, T. Phillips u. R. Anderson An increase in crevasse extent, West Greenland: Hydrologic implication. Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L18502, doi:10.1029/2011GL048491.2011
Colgan, W., H. Rajaram, R.S. Anderson, K. Steffen, H.J. Zwally, T. Phillips u. W. Abdalati The annual glaciohydrology cycle in the ablation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet : Part 2 : Observed and Modeled Ice Flow. Journal of Glaciology, 58, 207, 51-64.2012
Phillips, Thomas The characterization of the cryo-hydrologic system and its influence on ice temperatures. University of Colorado, Boulder, Dissertation.2010
Phillips, Thomas, J. Nichols, S. Leyk u. K. Steffen An enthalpy based dual-colums model approach to simulate the influence of melt water on ice temperature. Geophys. Res. Lett., L20503, doi:10.1029/2010GL044397.2010
Phillips, Thomas, H. Rajaram u. K. Steffen Cryo-hydrologic warming: A potential mechanism for rapid thermal response of ice sheets. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L20503, doi:10.1029/2010GL044397.2010
Phillips, Thomas, S. Leyk, H. Rajaram, W. Colgan, W. Abdalati u. K. SteffenModeling the moulin distribution on Sermeq Avannarleq Glacier using ASTER and WorldView imagery and fuzzy set theory. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 115, 21292-21301.2011