Thomas Pettke

Prof. Dr. Geologe. Geolog. Inst. Uni Bern, Publ. 2013. Erforscht den chemischen Kreislauf in Subduktionszonen.Pettke, Thomas

born 1966


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Dijkstra, A., D. Sergev, C. Spandler, T. Pettke, T. Meisel u. P. Catwood Highly Refractory Periodites in Maquarie Island and the Case for Ancently Depleted Domains in the Earth's Mantle. Journal of Petrology 51, 469-493.2010
Robertson, K., A. Smon, T. Pettke, E. Smith, O. Selyangin, A. Kiryukhin, S.R. Mulcahy u. I.D. Walker Melt inclusion evidence for magma at Mutnovsky vulcano, Kamchatka. Geofluids 13, 421-439.2013