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Aegerter, S., H. Oeschger, A. Renaud u. E. Schuhmacher | Tritium studies on firn samples collected by E.G.I.G. in Greenland. Med. o.G. 177, 2, 76-88. | 1969 | Andrée, Michael, E. Moor, J. Beer, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, G. Bonani, H.J. Hofmann, E. Morenzoni, M. Nessi, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli | 14C Dating of Polar Ice. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. 85, 385-388. | 1984 | Barnola, J.-M., D. Raynaud, A. Neftel u. H. Oeschger | Comparison of CO2 measurements ba two labaratories on aif from bubbles in polar ice. Nature 303, 5916, pp. 410-413. | 1983 | Beer, Jürg, M. Andree, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, R. Balzer, G. Bonani, C. Stoller, M. Suter, W. Wölfli, R.C. Finkel | Temporal 10Be Variations in Ice. Radiocarbon, Vol. 25, No. 2, 269-278. | 1983 | Beer, Jürg, H. Oeschger, M. Andrée, G. Bonani, M. Suter, W. Wölfli u. C.C. Langway | Temporal Variations in the 10Be concentration level found in the Dye 3 Ice Core, Greenland. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 5, 16-17 | 1984 | Beer, Jürg, M. Andrée, H. Oeschger, U. Siegenthaler, G. Bonani, H. Hofmann, E. Morenzoni, M. Nessi, M. Suter, W. Wölfli, R.C. Finkel | The Camp Century 10Be Record: Implications for Long-term Variations of the Geomagnetic Dipole Moment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. 85, 380-384. | 1984 | Beer, Jürg, M. Andrée, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, R. Balzer, G. Bonani, C. Stoller, M. Suter, W. Wölfli und R.C. Finkel | 10Be variations in polar ice cores. In: Greeenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Environment. Geophysical Monograph 33, 66-70. | 1985 | Beer, Jürg, G. Bonani, H.J. Hofmann, M. Suter, H.A. Synal, W. Wölfli, H. Oeschger, Ueli Siegenthaler u. R.C. Finkel | 10Be Mesurements on Polar Ice: Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic Records. In: 4th Intl. Symposium on Acc. Mass Spectrometry, pp. 203-206. | 1987 | Beer, Jürg, U. Siegenthaler, G. Bonani, R.C. Finkel, H. Oeschger, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli | Information on past solar activity and geomagnetism from 10Be in the Camp Century ice core. Nature, 331, 675-679. | 1988 | Beer, Jürg, H. Oeschger. G. Bonani. M. Suter u. W. Wölfli | 10Be concentrations in Antarctic ice. Annals of Glaciology 10, p. 200. | 1988 | Beer, Jürg, A. Blinov, G. Bonani, R.C. Finkel, H.J. Hofmann, B. Lehmann, H. Oeschger, A. Sigg, J. Schwander, T. Staffelbach, B. Stauffer, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli | Use of 10Be in Polar Ice to Trace the 11-Year Cycle of Solar Activity. Nature, 347, 164-166. | 1990 | Beer, Jürg, R.C. Finkel, G. Bonani, H. Gäggeler, U. Görlach, P. Jakob, D. Klockow, C.C. Langway, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger, U. Schotterer, J. Schwander, U. Siegenthaler, M. Suter, D. Wagenbach u. W. Wölfli | Seasonal Variations of 10Be, Cl-,NO_3, SO_4, H2O2, 210Pb, 3H Mineral Dust and ?18O in Greenland Snow. Atmospheric Environment 25A, 5/6, 899-904. | 1991 | Beer, Jürg, R.C. Finkel, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli | 10Be peaks as time markers in polar ice cores in NATO ASI series 1 2. In: The last deglaciation: absolute and radiocarbon chronologies, edited by E. Bard and W.S. Broecker, pp. 140-153. | 1992 | Berner, Werner, P. Bucher, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer | Analysis and Interpretation of Gas Content and Composition in Neutral Ice. IAHA-AISH Publication No. 118, 272-284. | 1977 | Berner, Werner, B. Stauffer u. H. Oeschger | Past Atmospheric Composition and Climate, Gas Parameters Mesured on Ice Cores. Nature vol. 275, No. 5683, 53-55. | 1978 | Berner, Werner, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer | Information on the CO2 cycle from ice core studies. Radiocarbon 22, 2, 227-235. | 1980 | Staffelbach, Thomas, B. Stauffer u. H. Oeschger | A detailed analysis of the rapid changes in ice-core parameters during the last ice age. Annals of Glaciology 10, 167-170. | 1988 | Staffelbach, Thomas, B. Stauffer, A. Sigg u. H. Oeschger | CO2 measurements from polar ice cores: More data from different sites. Tellus, Ser. B, 43, 91-96. | 1991 | Stauffer, Bernhard, H. Oeschger u. J. Schwander | Changes of atmospheric methane concentrations parallel to climate changes. Annals of Glaciology, 14, p. 359. | 1990 | Stauffer, Bernhard, E. Lochbronner, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. A. Neftel | CH4 record from ice cores at Byrd Station and Dye 3. In: Trends ´93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, edited by T.A. Boden, D.P. Kaiser, R.J. Sepanski and F.W. Stoss, pp. 234-238. | 1994 | Stauffer, Bernhard, A. Neftel, G. Fischer u. H. Oeschger | Historical Historical CH4 record from the Siple ice core. In: Trends ´93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, edited by T.A. Boden, D.P. Kaiser, R.J. Sepanski and F.W. Stoss, pp. 251-254. | 1994 | Dansgaard, W., S.J. Johnsen, H.B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, N. Gundestrup, C.U. Hammer u. H. Oeschger | North Atlantic climatic oscillations revealed be deep Greenland ice cores. In: Climate processes and Climate Sensitivity (Geophys. Monogr. Ser.) J.E. Hansen u. T. Takahashi (eds.). Am. Geophys. Union, Washington, pp. 288-298. | 1984 | Dansgaard, W. u. H. Oeschger | Enviromental Long-Term Records from the Arctic. In: The Environmental Record in Glaciers and Ice Sheets. Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences Research Report 8, edited by H. Oeschger and C.C. Langway, pp. 287-317. | 1989 | Elmore, D., L.E. Tubbs, D. Newman, X.Z. Ma, R. Finkel, K. Nishtizumi, J. Beer, H. Oeschger u. M. Andree | 36Cl bomb pulse measured in a 100 m ice core from Dye 3, Greenland. Nature, Vol. 300, No. 5894, 735-737. | 1982 | Friedli, H., E. Moor, H. Oeschger, U. Siegenthaler u. B. Stauffer | 13C/12C Ratios in CO2 Extracted from Antarctic Ice. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 11, No. 10, 1145-1148. | 1984 | Friedli, H., H.P. Lütscher, H. Oeschger, Ueli Siegenthaler u. B. Stauffer | Ice core record of the 13C/12C ration of atmospheric CO2 in the past two centuries. Nature 324, 237-238. | 1986 | GRIP (Greenland Ice-core members) | Climate instability during the Last Interglacial period recorded in the GRIP ice core. Nature, 364, 203-207 | 1993 | Hammer, C.U., H.B. Clausen, W. Dansgaard, A. Neftel, P. Kirstinsdotter u. E. Johnson | Continuous impurity analysis along the Dye 3 deep core. In: Greenland Ice Core: geophysics, geochemistry and the environment. Geophys. Monograph 33, (eds. C.C. Langway jr., H. Oeschger and W. Dansgaad), AGU Washington DC, pp. 90-94. | 1985 | Joos, Fortunat, T.F. Stocker u. H. Oeschger | Ulrich Siegenthaler (1941-1994). EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 76, p. 90. | 1995 | Langway, C.C., H. Oeschger, B. Alder, u. A. Renaud | Sampling Polar Ice for Radiocarbon Dating. Nature, Vol. 206, No. 4983, 500-501. | 1965 | Langway, C.C., H. Oeschger u. W. Dansgaard (eds.) | Greenland Ice Core: geophysics, geochemistry and the environment. American Geophysical Union, Monograph 33, Washington DC. | 1985 | Langway, C.C. u. H. Oeschger | Introduction. In: The environmental record in glaciers and ice sheets. Physical, Chemical ane Earth Sciences Research Report 8, edited by H. Oeschger and C.C. Langway, pp. 1-11. | 1989 | Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer u. R. Zumbrunn | Ice core sample measurements give atmospheric CO2 content during the past 40'000 years. Nature Vol. 295, 220-223. | 1982 | Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer | Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Bubbles of Natural Cold Ice. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 87, 4116-4120. | 1983 | Neftel, Albrecht, J. Beer, H. Oeschger, F. Zürcher u. R.C. Finkel | Sulphate and Nitrate Concentrations in Snow from South Greenland 1895-1978. Nature 314, 6012, pp. 611-613. | 1985 | Neftel, Albrecht, E. Moor, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer | Evidence from Polar Ice Cores for the increase of atmospheric CO2 in the Past Two Centuries. Nature, 315, 6014, 45-47. | 1985 | Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, T. Staffelbach u. B. Stauffer | CO2 record in the Byrd ice core 50'000-5'000 years BP. Nature 331, 609-611. | 1988 | Neftel, Albrecht, H. Friedli, E. Moor, H. Loetscher, H. Oeschger, U. Siegenthaler u. B. Stauffer | CO2 record from the Siples Station ice core. In: Trends: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, pp. 11-14. | 1994 | Renaud, André, E. Schuhmacher, B. Hughes, H. Oeschger u. C. Mühlemann | Tritium Variations in Greenland Ice Core. J. Geophys. Res. 68, 13, p. 3783. | 1963 | Renaud, André, S. Aegerter, H. Oeschger, E. Schuhmacher et al. | Etudes physiques et chimiques sur la glace de l’Inlandsis du Groenland 1959. Avec contributions de S. Aegerter, H. Oeschger u. E. Schuhmacher. Med. o. G. 177, 2, 123 pp. | 1959 | Rufli, Henry, B. Stauffer, u. H. Oeschger | Lightweight 50-Meter Core Drill for Firn and Ice. In: Ice-Core Drilling, University of Nebraska Press, edited by J.F. Splettstoesser, pp. 139-153. | 1976 | Schwander, Jakob, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer | Measurement of Direct Current Conductivity on Ice Samples for Climatological Applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 87, 4157-4160. | 1983 | Schwander, Jakob, B. Stauffer u. H. Oeschger | Leitfähigkeitsmessungen an Eisbohrkernen für klimatische Anwendungen. Helvetiva Physica Acta, 56, 4, 921-922. | 1983 | Siegenthaler, Ueli, M. Heimann u. H. Oeschger | 14C Variations Caused by Changes in the Global Carbon Cycle. Radiocarbon 23, 177-191. | 1980 | Siegenthaler, Ueli u. H. Oeschger | Transient temperature changes due increasing CO2 using simple models. Annals of Glaciology 5, 153-159. | 1984 | Siegenthaler, Ueli u. H. Oeschger | Biospheric CO2 Emissions During the Past 200 Years Reconstructed by Deconvolution of Ice Core Data. Tellus, 39B, 1987, pp. 140-154. | 1987 | Siegenthaler, Ueli, H. Friedli, H. Loetscher, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer | Stable isotope ratios and concentration of CO2 in air from polar ice cores. Annals of Glaciology 10, 151-156. | 1988 | Stauffer, Bernhard, H. Hofer, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. Ueli Siegenthaler | Atmospheric CO2 concentration during the last glaciation. Annals of Glaciology 5, 160-164. | 1984 | Stauffer, Bernhard, G. Fischer, A. Neftel u. H. Oeschger | Increase of Atmospheric Methane Record in Antarctic Ice Core. Science 229, 1386-1388. | 1985 | Stauffer, Bernhard u. H. Oeschger | Gaseous components in the Atmosphere and the Historic Record Revealed by Ice Cores. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 7, pp. 54-59. | 1985 | Stauffer, Bernhard, J. Schwander u. H. Oeschger | Enclosure of Air During the Metamorphosis from Dry Firn into Ice. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 6, 108-112. | 1985 | Stauffer, Bernhard, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger u. J. Schwander | Concentration in Air Extracted from Greenland Ice Samples. In: Greenland Ice Core : Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Environment, AGU Geophysical Monograph 33, edited by C.C: Langway, H. Oeschger and W. Dansgaard, pp. 85-89, Washington 1985. | 1985 | Stauffer, Bernhard, E. Lochbrunner, H. Oeschger, u. J. Schwander | Methane concentration in the glacial atmosphere was only half of that of the preindustrial Holocene. Nature, 322, 812-814. | 1988 | Suter, M., J. Beer, G. Bonani, H.J. Hofmann, D. Michel, H. Oeschger, H.A. Synal u. W. Wölfli | 36Cl Studies at the ETH/SIN-AMS Facility, AMS 87, B29, 211-215. | 1987 | Watson, R, H. Rode, H. Oeschger u. U. Siegenthaler | Greenhouse gases and aerosols. In: Climate Change the IPCC Scientific Assessment, edited by T. Houghton, G.J. Jenkins and J.J. Ephraums. | 1990 | Zumbrunn, R., A. Neftel u. H. Oeschger | CO2 measurements on 1-cm3 ice samples with IR laser-spectrometer (IRLS) combined with a new dry extraction device. Earth and Planetary Science Lettres 60, 2, 318-324. | 1982 | Siegenthaler, Ueli, Hans Oeschger | Predicting future atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Science 199, 388-395, 1978. | 1978 | Langway, C.C.., Jr., H. Oeschger u. W. Dansgaard | The Greenland ice sheet program in perspective. In: Greenland ice core: geophysics, geochemistry, and the environment. Washington DC. American Geophysical Union, Monograph 33, 1-8. | 1985 | Oeschger, Hans | Proportionalzählrohr zur Messung schwacher Aktivitäten weicher ?-Strahlung. Universität Bern, Dissertation 1955. | 1955 | Oeschger, Hans | Low-level Counting methods, Radioactive Dating. Proc. Athens Symp., 19.-23. November 1962, 13. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1963). | 1963 | Oeschger, Hans, J. Beer, H. Loosli, u. C.C. Langway | Radiocarbon dating of ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 112, 49-54. | 1966 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Alder u. C.C. Langway | An in situ gas extraction system to radiocarbon date glacier ice. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 6, 939-942. | 1967 | Oeschger, Hans, H. Loosli u. M. Wahlen | Radiocarbon variations and absolut chronology. 12th Nobel Symposium Wiley Interscience, pp.471-496. | 1969 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer u. C.C. Langway | Carbon Dating of Ice and other Isotope Studies at Byrd Station, Antarctica. Antarctic Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, p. 112. | 1970 | Oeschger, Hans, J. Houtermans, H. Loosli u. M. Wahlen | Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology. 12th Nobel Symposium, New York. Ed. I.U. Olsson, Almquist & Wiksell, Stockholm, pp. 471-498. | 1970 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher, H. Frommer, M. Möll, C.C. Langway, B.L. Hansen u. H. Clausen | 14C and other Isotope Studies on Natural Ice. Proccedings of the 8th International Conference on Radiocarbon Dating. Wellington, pp. 70-92. | 1972 | Oeschger, Hans | Umweltisotopenanalysen. Isotopen in Hydrologie und Glaziologie. Physikalische Blätter, 31, 12, 616-626. | 1975 | Oeschger, Hans, Ueli Siegenthaler, U. Schotterer u. A. Gugelmann | A box diffusion model to study the carbon dioxide exchange in nature. Tellus 27, 168-192. | 1975 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli | Extraction of Trace Components from Large Quantities of Ice in Bore Holes. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 17, No. 75, 117-128. | 1976 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli | Extraction of Gases and dissolved and Particulate Matter from Ice in Deep Boreholes. IAHS-AISH Publication No. 118, 307-311. | 1977 | Oeschger, Hans u. U. Schotterer | Im Eis gespeicherte Information über die Geschichte von Naturvorgängen. In: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, wissenschaftlicher Teil, pp. 30-47. | 1978 | Oeschger, Hans, M. Welten, U. Eicher, M. Möll, T. Riesen, Ueli Siegenthaler u. S. Wegmüller | 14C and other parameters during the Younger Dryas cold phase. In: Stuiver, M. and Kra, R.S. (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International 14C Conference. Radiocarbon 22, 2, 299-310. | 1980 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, W. Berner u. J. Schwander | Atmospheric CO2 History from Ice Core Studies. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. 17, Heft 1, 1-15. | 1981 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, A. Neftel, J. Schwander u. R. Zumbrunn | Atmospheric CO2 content in the past deduced from ice core analysis. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 3, 227-232. | 1982 | Oeschger, Hans, U. Siegenthaler u. T. Wenk | The carbon dioxide problem. In: Primary Energy, Present Status and Future Perspectives, edited by K.O. Thielheim. | 1982 | Oeschger, Hans, J. Beer, U. Siegenthaler, B. Stauffer, W. Dansgaard u. C.C. Langway | Late galcial climate history from ice cores. In: Climate Processes and Climate Senitivity. Geophysical Monograph 29, edited by J.E. Jensen, 299-306. | 1984 | Oeschger, Hans | Zur Entwicklung des Berner 14C-Labors. In: Jagen und Sammeln. Festschrift für Hans-Georg Bandi zum 65. Geburtstag. Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums, edited by R. Fellmann, G. Germann u. K. Zimmermann, pp. 241-244, Verlag Stämpfli, Bern | 1984 | Oeschger, Hans | The contribution of ice core studies to the understanding of environmental processes. In: Greenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Environment. Geophysical Monograph 33, 9-17. | 1985 | Oeschger, Hans | 14C dating, principoles and methods. In: Dating Young Sediments, pp. 85-95. | 1985 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, R.C. Finkel u. C.C. Langway | Variations of the CO2 concentration of occluded air and of anions and dust in polar ice cores. In: The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric CO2. Natural Variations to Present. Geophysical Monograph 33, 132-142. | 1985 | Oeschger, Hans u. B. Stauffer | Review of the history of atmospheric CO2, recorded in ice cores. In: The Changing Carbon Cycle. A Global Analysis, edited by J.R. Trabalka and D.E. Reichle, pp. 89-108. | 1986 | Oeschger, Hans | Greenland Ice. A Memory of the Earth’s Climate and Environment. Swissair Gazette Zürich 7/1987, 24-28. | 1987 | Oeschger, Hans | Proceedings of the Symposium on Ice-Core Analysis, held in Berne, Switzerland, 30 März – 3. April 1987. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 10. | 1987 | Oeschger, Hans u. U. Siegenthaler | How was the atmospheric concentracion of CO2 changed? In: The changing atmosphere, edited by Rowland and Isaksen, pp. 5-23. | 1988 | Oeschger, Hans, A. Neftel, T. Staffelbach u. B. Stauffer | The dilemma of the rapid variations in CO2 in Greenland ice cores. Annals of Glaciology 10, 215-216. | 1988 | Oeschger, Hans u. C.C. Langway (Hrsg.), H.B. Clausen | Clausen, H.B. u. C.C. Langway 1989: The ionic deposits in polar ice cores. In: The Environmental Record in Glaciers and Ice Sheets, edited by H. Oeschger and C.C. Langway, pp. 225-247, Wiley, New York, 1989. | 1989 | Oeschger, Hans, F. Joos u. Ueli Siegenthaler | Urgency of CO2 emission control. EOS 73, 321-324. | 1992 |
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