Hans Oeschger

(1927-1998). Prof. Dr. Uni Bern. Grönland + Antarktis, EGIG 1967, EPICA,
1968 + 1970 auf der Byrd-Station, Antarktis
Pionier der Umwelt- und Klimaforschung, warnte als einer der Ersten vor der Erderwärmung durch C02.
Nach ihm sind die Dansgaard-Oeschger-Ereignisse benannt.
1989 Seligman Crystal, 1990 Marcel-Beoist-Preis, 1990 Urey Award, 1996 Tyler Preis, 1997 Roger-Revelle Medaille.
Lead Autor im 1. IPCC Bericht von 1990
Oeschger Bluff in der Antarktis nach Hans Oeschger benannt
Oeschger, Hans

born 1927
Oeschger, Hans

Oeschger, Renaud, Schuhmacher





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Aegerter, S., H. Oeschger, A. Renaud u. E. Schuhmacher Tritium studies on firn samples collected by E.G.I.G. in Greenland. Med. o.G. 177, 2, 76-88.1969
Andrée, Michael, E. Moor, J. Beer, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, G. Bonani, H.J. Hofmann, E. Morenzoni, M. Nessi, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli14C Dating of Polar Ice. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. 85, 385-388.1984
Barnola, J.-M., D. Raynaud, A. Neftel u. H. Oeschger Comparison of CO2 measurements ba two labaratories on aif from bubbles in polar ice. Nature 303, 5916, pp. 410-413.1983
Beer, Jürg, M. Andree, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, R. Balzer, G. Bonani, C. Stoller, M. Suter, W. Wölfli, R.C. Finkel Temporal 10Be Variations in Ice. Radiocarbon, Vol. 25, No. 2, 269-278.1983
Beer, Jürg, H. Oeschger, M. Andrée, G. Bonani, M. Suter, W. Wölfli u. C.C. LangwayTemporal Variations in the 10Be concentration level found in the Dye 3 Ice Core, Greenland. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 5, 16-171984
Beer, Jürg, M. Andrée, H. Oeschger, U. Siegenthaler, G. Bonani, H. Hofmann, E. Morenzoni, M. Nessi, M. Suter, W. Wölfli, R.C. Finkel The Camp Century 10Be Record: Implications for Long-term Variations of the Geomagnetic Dipole Moment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. 85, 380-384.1984
Beer, Jürg, M. Andrée, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, R. Balzer, G. Bonani, C. Stoller, M. Suter, W. Wölfli und R.C. Finkel10Be variations in polar ice cores. In: Greeenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Environment. Geophysical Monograph 33, 66-70.1985
Beer, Jürg, G. Bonani, H.J. Hofmann, M. Suter, H.A. Synal, W. Wölfli, H. Oeschger, Ueli Siegenthaler u. R.C. Finkel 10Be Mesurements on Polar Ice: Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic Records. In: 4th Intl. Symposium on Acc. Mass Spectrometry, pp. 203-206.1987
Beer, Jürg, U. Siegenthaler, G. Bonani, R.C. Finkel, H. Oeschger, M. Suter u. W. WölfliInformation on past solar activity and geomagnetism from 10Be in the Camp Century ice core. Nature, 331, 675-679.1988
Beer, Jürg, H. Oeschger. G. Bonani. M. Suter u. W. Wölfli 10Be concentrations in Antarctic ice. Annals of Glaciology 10, p. 200.1988
Beer, Jürg, A. Blinov, G. Bonani, R.C. Finkel, H.J. Hofmann, B. Lehmann, H. Oeschger, A. Sigg, J. Schwander, T. Staffelbach, B. Stauffer, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli Use of 10Be in Polar Ice to Trace the 11-Year Cycle of Solar Activity. Nature, 347, 164-166.1990
Beer, Jürg, R.C. Finkel, G. Bonani, H. Gäggeler, U. Görlach, P. Jakob, D. Klockow, C.C. Langway, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger, U. Schotterer, J. Schwander, U. Siegenthaler, M. Suter, D. Wagenbach u. W. Wölfli Seasonal Variations of 10Be, Cl-,NO_3, SO_4, H2O2, 210Pb, 3H Mineral Dust and ?18O in Greenland Snow. Atmospheric Environment 25A, 5/6, 899-904.1991
Beer, Jürg, R.C. Finkel, H. Oeschger, B. Stauffer, M. Suter u. W. Wölfli10Be peaks as time markers in polar ice cores in NATO ASI series 1 2. In: The last deglaciation: absolute and radiocarbon chronologies, edited by E. Bard and W.S. Broecker, pp. 140-153.1992
Berner, Werner, P. Bucher, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer Analysis and Interpretation of Gas Content and Composition in Neutral Ice. IAHA-AISH Publication No. 118, 272-284.1977
Berner, Werner, B. Stauffer u. H. Oeschger Past Atmospheric Composition and Climate, Gas Parameters Mesured on Ice Cores. Nature vol. 275, No. 5683, 53-55.1978
Berner, Werner, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer Information on the CO2 cycle from ice core studies. Radiocarbon 22, 2, 227-235.1980
Staffelbach, Thomas, B. Stauffer u. H. Oeschger A detailed analysis of the rapid changes in ice-core parameters during the last ice age. Annals of Glaciology 10, 167-170.1988
Staffelbach, Thomas, B. Stauffer, A. Sigg u. H. Oeschger CO2 measurements from polar ice cores: More data from different sites. Tellus, Ser. B, 43, 91-96.1991
Stauffer, Bernhard, H. Oeschger u. J. Schwander Changes of atmospheric methane concentrations parallel to climate changes. Annals of Glaciology, 14, p. 359.1990
Stauffer, Bernhard, E. Lochbronner, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. A. NeftelCH4 record from ice cores at Byrd Station and Dye 3. In: Trends ´93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, edited by T.A. Boden, D.P. Kaiser, R.J. Sepanski and F.W. Stoss, pp. 234-238.1994
Stauffer, Bernhard, A. Neftel, G. Fischer u. H. Oeschger Historical Historical CH4 record from the Siple ice core. In: Trends ´93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, edited by T.A. Boden, D.P. Kaiser, R.J. Sepanski and F.W. Stoss, pp. 251-254.1994
Dansgaard, W., S.J. Johnsen, H.B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, N. Gundestrup, C.U. Hammer u. H. Oeschger North Atlantic climatic oscillations revealed be deep Greenland ice cores. In: Climate processes and Climate Sensitivity (Geophys. Monogr. Ser.) J.E. Hansen u. T. Takahashi (eds.). Am. Geophys. Union, Washington, pp. 288-298.1984
Dansgaard, W. u. H. Oeschger Enviromental Long-Term Records from the Arctic. In: The Environmental Record in Glaciers and Ice Sheets. Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences Research Report 8, edited by H. Oeschger and C.C. Langway, pp. 287-317.1989
Elmore, D., L.E. Tubbs, D. Newman, X.Z. Ma, R. Finkel, K. Nishtizumi, J. Beer, H. Oeschger u. M. Andree36Cl bomb pulse measured in a 100 m ice core from Dye 3, Greenland. Nature, Vol. 300, No. 5894, 735-737.1982
Friedli, H., E. Moor, H. Oeschger, U. Siegenthaler u. B. Stauffer 13C/12C Ratios in CO2 Extracted from Antarctic Ice. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 11, No. 10, 1145-1148.1984
Friedli, H., H.P. Lütscher, H. Oeschger, Ueli Siegenthaler u. B. Stauffer Ice core record of the 13C/12C ration of atmospheric CO2 in the past two centuries. Nature 324, 237-238.1986
GRIP (Greenland Ice-core members) Climate instability during the Last Interglacial period recorded in the GRIP ice core. Nature, 364, 203-2071993
Hammer, C.U., H.B. Clausen, W. Dansgaard, A. Neftel, P. Kirstinsdotter u. E. Johnson Continuous impurity analysis along the Dye 3 deep core. In: Greenland Ice Core: geophysics, geochemistry and the environment. Geophys. Monograph 33, (eds. C.C. Langway jr., H. Oeschger and W. Dansgaad), AGU Washington DC, pp. 90-94. 1985
Joos, Fortunat, T.F. Stocker u. H. Oeschger Ulrich Siegenthaler (1941-1994). EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 76, p. 90.1995
Langway, C.C., H. Oeschger, B. Alder, u. A. Renaud Sampling Polar Ice for Radiocarbon Dating. Nature, Vol. 206, No. 4983, 500-501.1965
Langway, C.C., H. Oeschger u. W. Dansgaard (eds.) Greenland Ice Core: geophysics, geochemistry and the environment. American Geophysical Union, Monograph 33, Washington DC.1985
Langway, C.C. u. H. Oeschger Introduction. In: The environmental record in glaciers and ice sheets. Physical, Chemical ane Earth Sciences Research Report 8, edited by H. Oeschger and C.C. Langway, pp. 1-11.1989
Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer u. R. ZumbrunnIce core sample measurements give atmospheric CO2 content during the past 40'000 years. Nature Vol. 295, 220-223.1982
Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Bubbles of Natural Cold Ice. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 87, 4116-4120.1983
Neftel, Albrecht, J. Beer, H. Oeschger, F. Zürcher u. R.C. Finkel Sulphate and Nitrate Concentrations in Snow from South Greenland 1895-1978. Nature 314, 6012, pp. 611-613.1985
Neftel, Albrecht, E. Moor, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer Evidence from Polar Ice Cores for the increase of atmospheric CO2 in the Past Two Centuries. Nature, 315, 6014, 45-47.1985
Neftel, Albrecht, H. Oeschger, T. Staffelbach u. B. Stauffer CO2 record in the Byrd ice core 50'000-5'000 years BP. Nature 331, 609-611.1988
Neftel, Albrecht, H. Friedli, E. Moor, H. Loetscher, H. Oeschger, U. Siegenthaler u. B. StaufferCO2 record from the Siples Station ice core. In: Trends: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, pp. 11-14.1994
Renaud, André, E. Schuhmacher, B. Hughes, H. Oeschger u. C. Mühlemann Tritium Variations in Greenland Ice Core. J. Geophys. Res. 68, 13, p. 3783.1963
Renaud, André, S. Aegerter, H. Oeschger, E. Schuhmacher et al.Etudes physiques et chimiques sur la glace de l’Inlandsis du Groenland 1959. Avec contributions de S. Aegerter, H. Oeschger u. E. Schuhmacher. Med. o. G. 177, 2, 123 pp. 1959
Rufli, Henry, B. Stauffer, u. H. Oeschger Lightweight 50-Meter Core Drill for Firn and Ice. In: Ice-Core Drilling, University of Nebraska Press, edited by J.F. Splettstoesser, pp. 139-153.1976
Schwander, Jakob, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer Measurement of Direct Current Conductivity on Ice Samples for Climatological Applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 87, 4157-4160.1983
Schwander, Jakob, B. Stauffer u. H. Oeschger Leitfähigkeitsmessungen an Eisbohrkernen für klimatische Anwendungen. Helvetiva Physica Acta, 56, 4, 921-922.1983
Siegenthaler, Ueli, M. Heimann u. H. Oeschger 14C Variations Caused by Changes in the Global Carbon Cycle. Radiocarbon 23, 177-191.1980
Siegenthaler, Ueli u. H. Oeschger Transient temperature changes due increasing CO2 using simple models. Annals of Glaciology 5, 153-159.1984
Siegenthaler, Ueli u. H. Oeschger Biospheric CO2 Emissions During the Past 200 Years Reconstructed by Deconvolution of Ice Core Data. Tellus, 39B, 1987, pp. 140-154.1987
Siegenthaler, Ueli, H. Friedli, H. Loetscher, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer Stable isotope ratios and concentration of CO2 in air from polar ice cores. Annals of Glaciology 10, 151-156.1988
Stauffer, Bernhard, H. Hofer, H. Oeschger, J. Schwander u. Ueli SiegenthalerAtmospheric CO2 concentration during the last glaciation. Annals of Glaciology 5, 160-164.1984
Stauffer, Bernhard, G. Fischer, A. Neftel u. H. Oeschger Increase of Atmospheric Methane Record in Antarctic Ice Core. Science 229, 1386-1388.1985
Stauffer, Bernhard u. H. Oeschger Gaseous components in the Atmosphere and the Historic Record Revealed by Ice Cores. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 7, pp. 54-59.1985
Stauffer, Bernhard, J. Schwander u. H. Oeschger Enclosure of Air During the Metamorphosis from Dry Firn into Ice. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 6, 108-112.1985
Stauffer, Bernhard, A. Neftel, H. Oeschger u. J. Schwander Concentration in Air Extracted from Greenland Ice Samples. In: Greenland Ice Core : Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Environment, AGU Geophysical Monograph 33, edited by C.C: Langway, H. Oeschger and W. Dansgaard, pp. 85-89, Washington 1985.1985
Stauffer, Bernhard, E. Lochbrunner, H. Oeschger, u. J. Schwander Methane concentration in the glacial atmosphere was only half of that of the preindustrial Holocene. Nature, 322, 812-814.1988
Suter, M., J. Beer, G. Bonani, H.J. Hofmann, D. Michel, H. Oeschger, H.A. Synal u. W. Wölfli 36Cl Studies at the ETH/SIN-AMS Facility, AMS 87, B29, 211-215.1987
Watson, R, H. Rode, H. Oeschger u. U. Siegenthaler Greenhouse gases and aerosols. In: Climate Change the IPCC Scientific Assessment, edited by T. Houghton, G.J. Jenkins and J.J. Ephraums.1990
Zumbrunn, R., A. Neftel u. H. Oeschger CO2 measurements on 1-cm3 ice samples with IR laser-spectrometer (IRLS) combined with a new dry extraction device. Earth and Planetary Science Lettres 60, 2, 318-324.1982
Siegenthaler, Ueli, Hans OeschgerPredicting future atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Science 199, 388-395, 1978.1978
Langway, C.C.., Jr., H. Oeschger u. W. DansgaardThe Greenland ice sheet program in perspective. In: Greenland ice core: geophysics, geochemistry, and the environment. Washington DC. American Geophysical Union, Monograph 33, 1-8.1985
Oeschger, Hans Proportionalzählrohr zur Messung schwacher Aktivitäten weicher ?-Strahlung. Universität Bern, Dissertation 1955.1955
Oeschger, Hans Low-level Counting methods, Radioactive Dating. Proc. Athens Symp., 19.-23. November 1962, 13. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1963).1963
Oeschger, Hans, J. Beer, H. Loosli, u. C.C. Langway Radiocarbon dating of ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 112, 49-54.1966
Oeschger, Hans, B. Alder u. C.C. Langway An in situ gas extraction system to radiocarbon date glacier ice. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 6, 939-942.1967
Oeschger, Hans, H. Loosli u. M. Wahlen Radiocarbon variations and absolut chronology. 12th Nobel Symposium Wiley Interscience, pp.471-496.1969
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer u. C.C. Langway Carbon Dating of Ice and other Isotope Studies at Byrd Station, Antarctica. Antarctic Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, p. 112.1970
Oeschger, Hans, J. Houtermans, H. Loosli u. M. Wahlen Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology. 12th Nobel Symposium, New York. Ed. I.U. Olsson, Almquist & Wiksell, Stockholm, pp. 471-498.1970
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher, H. Frommer, M. Möll, C.C. Langway, B.L. Hansen u. H. Clausen14C and other Isotope Studies on Natural Ice. Proccedings of the 8th International Conference on Radiocarbon Dating. Wellington, pp. 70-92.1972
Oeschger, Hans Umweltisotopenanalysen. Isotopen in Hydrologie und Glaziologie. Physikalische Blätter, 31, 12, 616-626.1975
Oeschger, Hans, Ueli Siegenthaler, U. Schotterer u. A. Gugelmann A box diffusion model to study the carbon dioxide exchange in nature. Tellus 27, 168-192.1975
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli Extraction of Trace Components from Large Quantities of Ice in Bore Holes. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 17, No. 75, 117-128.1976
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli Extraction of Gases and dissolved and Particulate Matter from Ice in Deep Boreholes. IAHS-AISH Publication No. 118, 307-311.1977
Oeschger, Hans u. U. Schotterer Im Eis gespeicherte Information über die Geschichte von Naturvorgängen. In: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, wissenschaftlicher Teil, pp. 30-47.1978
Oeschger, Hans, M. Welten, U. Eicher, M. Möll, T. Riesen, Ueli Siegenthaler u. S. Wegmüller 14C and other parameters during the Younger Dryas cold phase. In: Stuiver, M. and Kra, R.S. (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International 14C Conference. Radiocarbon 22, 2, 299-310.1980
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, W. Berner u. J. Schwander Atmospheric CO2 History from Ice Core Studies. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. 17, Heft 1, 1-15.1981
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, A. Neftel, J. Schwander u. R. Zumbrunn Atmospheric CO2 content in the past deduced from ice core analysis. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 3, 227-232.1982
Oeschger, Hans, U. Siegenthaler u. T. Wenk The carbon dioxide problem. In: Primary Energy, Present Status and Future Perspectives, edited by K.O. Thielheim.1982
Oeschger, Hans, J. Beer, U. Siegenthaler, B. Stauffer, W. Dansgaard u. C.C. LangwayLate galcial climate history from ice cores. In: Climate Processes and Climate Senitivity. Geophysical Monograph 29, edited by J.E. Jensen, 299-306.1984
Oeschger, Hans Zur Entwicklung des Berner 14C-Labors. In: Jagen und Sammeln. Festschrift für Hans-Georg Bandi zum 65. Geburtstag. Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums, edited by R. Fellmann, G. Germann u. K. Zimmermann, pp. 241-244, Verlag Stämpfli, Bern1984
Oeschger, Hans The contribution of ice core studies to the understanding of environmental processes. In: Greenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Environment. Geophysical Monograph 33, 9-17.1985
Oeschger, Hans 14C dating, principoles and methods. In: Dating Young Sediments, pp. 85-95.1985
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, R.C. Finkel u. C.C. Langway Variations of the CO2 concentration of occluded air and of anions and dust in polar ice cores. In: The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric CO2. Natural Variations to Present. Geophysical Monograph 33, 132-142.1985
Oeschger, Hans u. B. Stauffer Review of the history of atmospheric CO2, recorded in ice cores. In: The Changing Carbon Cycle. A Global Analysis, edited by J.R. Trabalka and D.E. Reichle, pp. 89-108.1986
Oeschger, Hans Greenland Ice. A Memory of the Earth’s Climate and Environment. Swissair Gazette Zürich 7/1987, 24-28.1987
Oeschger, Hans Proceedings of the Symposium on Ice-Core Analysis, held in Berne, Switzerland, 30 März – 3. April 1987. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 10.1987
Oeschger, Hans u. U. Siegenthaler How was the atmospheric concentracion of CO2 changed? In: The changing atmosphere, edited by Rowland and Isaksen, pp. 5-23.1988
Oeschger, Hans, A. Neftel, T. Staffelbach u. B. Stauffer The dilemma of the rapid variations in CO2 in Greenland ice cores. Annals of Glaciology 10, 215-216.1988
Oeschger, Hans u. C.C. Langway (Hrsg.), H.B. Clausen Clausen, H.B. u. C.C. Langway 1989: The ionic deposits in polar ice cores. In: The Environmental Record in Glaciers and Ice Sheets, edited by H. Oeschger and C.C. Langway, pp. 225-247, Wiley, New York, 1989.1989
Oeschger, Hans, F. Joos u. Ueli Siegenthaler Urgency of CO2 emission control. EOS 73, 321-324.1992