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Naderpour, R., M. Schwank, Ch. Mätzler, J. Lemmetynen u. K. Steffen | Snow Density and Ground Permittivity Retrieved from L-Band Radiometry: A Retrieval Sensitivity Analysis. J. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10, 7, 1939-1404, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2669336, 2017. | 2017 | Svendsen, E., K. Kloster, B. Farrelly, O.M. Johannessen, J.A. Johannessen, W.J. Campbell, P. Gloersen, D. Cavallieri, C. Mätzler | Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment: Evaluation of the Nimbus 7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer for Sea Ice Research. Journal of Geophysical Research, 88, C5, 2781-2791. | 1983 | Norsex Group (B. Farrelly, C. Mätzler u.a.) | Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment in a Marginal Ice Zone. Norsex Group (B. Farrelly, C. Mätzler u.a.). Science 220, 4599, 781-787. | 1983 | Einar Svendsen, C. Mätzler, T.C. Grenfell | A model for retrieving total sea ice concentration from a spaceborne dual-polarized passive microwave instrument operation near 90 GHz. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 8, 10, 1479-1487. | 1987 | Eppler, D.T., C. Mätzler et al. | Passive microwave signatures of sea ice. In: Frank D. Carsey (ed.) UIGG Volumes: Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea Ice. Geophysical Monograph 68, pp. 47-71, American Geophysical Union | 1992 | Mätzler, C., R.O. Ramseier u. E. Svendsen | Polarisation effects of sea ice signatures. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, OE-9, 5, 333-338. | 1984 | Mätzler, Christian | Microwave signatures of young sea ice and ist influence on ice concentration algorithms. Actes du symposium international de la commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammetrie et Télédetection. Tpulouse, 13-17 Septembre 1982, 757-765, | 1982 | Mätzler, C., A. Aebischer, E. Schanda | Microwave dielectric properties of surface snow. IEEE Trans. Ocean Eng. OE-9, 366-371. | 1984 | Mätzler, Christian | Meereisbeobachtung zur Indikation von Klimaschwankungen. Symposium 'Ozean-Polareis-Klima', Bern, 23. Oktober 1992, 17 pp. | 1992 |
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