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Gilg, Olivier, A. Boertmann, F. Merkel, A. Aebischer u. B. Sabard | Status of the endangered ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea, in Greenland. Polar Biology 32, 9, 1275-1286. | 2009 | Gilg, O., A. Aebischer u. B. Sabard | Ismagen - det 21. arhundredes Dronte? [Ivory gull: the XXIst century Dodo?]. Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidesskrift 102, 4, 307-308. | 2009 | Gilg, O., H. Ström, A. Aebischer, M.V. Gavrilo, A. Volkov, C. Miljeteig u. B. Sabard | Post-breeding movements of northeast Atlantic Ivory gull Pagophila eburna populations. Journal of Avian Biology 41, 532-542. | 2010 | Yannic, G., R. Semier, A. Aebischer, M.V. Gavrilo, O. Gilg, C. Miljeteig, B. Sabard, H. Ström, E. Poivé u. T. Broquet | Description of microsatellite markers and genotyping performances using feathers and buccal swabs for the Ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea). Molecular Ecology Recources 11, 877-889. | 2011 | Yannic, G., A. Aebischer, B. Sabard u. O. Gilg | Complete breeding failures in Ivory gull folloowing unusual rainy storms in North Greenland. Polar Research 33, 22749, http://doi.org/10.3401/polar.v33.22749. | 2014 | Yannic, G., J. Yearsley, R. Sermier, C. Dufresnes, O. Gilg, A. Aebischer, M.V. Gavrilo, H. Ström, M.L. Mallory, G. Morrison, H.G. Gilchrist u. T. Broquet+- | High connectivity in a long-lived High-Arctic Seabird, the Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea. Polar Biology 39, 2, 221-236. | 2015 | Yannic, G., T. Broquet, H. Ström, A. Aebischer, C. Dufresnes, M.V. Gavrilo, M.L. Mallory, G. Morrison, B. Sabars, R. Sermier u. O. Gilg | Genetic and morphological sex identification methods reveal a male-based sex ration in the Ivory gull Pagophila eburnea. Journal Orn. 157, 3, 861-873. | 2016 | Gilg, O., L. Istomina, G. Heygster, H. Ström, M.V. Gavrilo, M.L. Mallory, G. Gilchrist, A. Aebischer, B. Sabard, M. Huntemann. A. Mosbech u. G. Yannic | Living on the edge of a shrinking habitat: the Ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea, an endangered sea-ice specialist. Biology Letters 12, 11, pii: 20160277 | 2016 | Sittler, B., A. Aebischer u. O. Gilg | Post-breeding migration of four Long-tailed Skuas (Stercorarius longicaudis) from North and East Greenland to West Africa. | 2010 | Sittler, B. u. A. Aebischer | Les chouettes harfangs du Groenland sous haute surveillance. Rapaces de France 16, 59-62. | 2014 | Sittler, B. u. A. Aebischer | Schneeeulen im Visier - Gründung und Aufgaben der International Snowy Owl Working Group. Kauzbrief 26, 28-31. | 2014 | Gilg, O., A. Andreev, A. Aebischer, A. Kondratyev, A. Sokolov u. A. Dixon | Satellite tracking of Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea in the Arctic Ocean. J. Ornithol. 147, 249-253. doi:10.1007/s10336-015-1273-7 | 2016 | Aebischer, A. | Brüten in der Polarwüste. Ornis 4, 14, 42-44. | 2014 | Aebischer, A. u. B. Sittler | Satelliten überwachen jeden Flügelschlag von Schneeeulen. Kauzbrief 17, 43-46. | 2005 |
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