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Oeschger, Hans, J. Beer, H. Loosli, u. C.C. Langway | Radiocarbon dating of ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 112, 49-54. | 1966 | Oeschger, Hans, H. Loosli u. M. Wahlen | Radiocarbon variations and absolut chronology. 12th Nobel Symposium Wiley Interscience, pp.471-496. | 1969 | Oeschger, Hans, J. Houtermans, H. Loosli u. M. Wahlen | Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology. 12th Nobel Symposium, New York. Ed. I.U. Olsson, Almquist & Wiksell, Stockholm, pp. 471-498. | 1970 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli | Extraction of Trace Components from Large Quantities of Ice in Bore Holes. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 17, No. 75, 117-128. | 1976 | Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli | Extraction of Gases and dissolved and Particulate Matter from Ice in Deep Boreholes. IAHS-AISH Publication No. 118, 307-311. | 1977 | Stocker, Thomas F., B. Stauffer u. H. Loosli | Ein Pionier der Umweltphysik – Zum Tode von Hans Oeschger (1927-1998). Neue Zürcher Zeitung 302, Seite 12, 30.12.1998. | 1998 | Loosli, Hugo (Heinz Hugo) | Ulrich Siegenthaler, 1941-1994. Radiocarbon 36, 3, pp. v-viii. | 1994 |
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