Andreas Bauder

Dr. Diss ETH 2001. Publ. 2007 mit Ohmura. Glaziol. VAW, ETHBauder, Andreas

born 1969


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Huss, Matthias, A. Bauder u. M. Funk Homogenzation of long-term mass-balance time series. Annals of Glaciology 50(50), 198-206.2009
Ohmura, Atsumu, A. Bauder, H. Müller, G. Kappenberger Long-term change of mass balance and the role of radiation. Annals of Glaciology 46, 367-374.2007
Huss, Matthias u. A. Bauder 20th-cenetury climate change inferred from four long-term point observations of seasonal mass balance. Annals of Glaciology 50(50), 207-214.2009
Seguinot, Julien, A. Bauder, M. Funk, G. Jouvet, P. Limpach, F. Neyer, C. Ryser, S. Suguyama, Y. WeidmannMeasurements of ice dynamical properties of Bowdoin Glacier, Northwest Greenland. Abstract Volume of the 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, p. 338, Basel, 20152015
Eef van Dongen,C.H., G. Jouvet, S. Sugiyama, E.A. Podolsly, M. Funk, D.I. Benn, F. Lindner, A. Bauder, J. Seguinot, S. Leinss u. F. WalterThinning leads to calving-style changes at Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland. Thy Cryosphere, 15, 485-500,,2021.2021
Seguinot, Julien, M. Funk, G. Jouvet, C. Ryser, A. Bauder, S. Leinss, D. Sakakibara u. S. SugiyamaTidewater glacier dynamics dominated by slilding at Bowdoin Glacier, Northwest Greenland. 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Genf, Abstract, p. 446.2016