Giovanni Kappenberger

Glaziologe. Meteoschweiz. Lebt in San Bernardino. 2 x Nordkanada, Coburg Island 73/74, 1975.Kappenberger, Giovanni

born 1948


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Blatter, Heinz u. G. Kappenberger Mass balance and thermal regime of Laika ice cap, Coburg Island, N.W.T., Canada. Journal of Glaciology 34, 116, 102-110.1988
Huss, Matthias, R. Stöckli, G. Kappenberger u. H. Blatter Temporal and spatial changes of Laika Glacier, Canadian Arctic, since 1959, inferred from satellite remote sensing and mass-balance modelling. Journal of Glaciology 54, 188, 857-866.2008
Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter, H. Ito, G. Kappenberger, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff, B. Stauffer u. J. Weiss North Water Project, Progress Report II. McGill Iniversity, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 66 pp.1974
Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter, R. Braithwaite, H. Ito, G. Kappenberger, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. A. Züst North Water Project, Progress Report III, 1 October 1974 to 30 September 1975. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 148 pp.1975
Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter u. G. Kappenberger Temperature measurement of the ice and water surface in the North Water area using an airborne radiation thermometer. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 15, No. 73, 241-250.1975
Ohmura, Atsumu, A. Bauder, H. Müller, G. Kappenberger Long-term change of mass balance and the role of radiation. Annals of Glaciology 46, 367-374.2007
Kappenberger, Giovanni Massenhaushalt und Bewegung des Laikagletschers, Coburg Island, N.W.T., 1973/74. Diplomarbeit, ausgeführt am Geographischen Institut ETH Zürich. 1974
Kappenberger, Giovanni, F. Müller u. H. Blatter Massenhaushalt, Bewegung und Wärmehaushalt des Laika Gletschers, Coburg Island, N.W.T., Kanada. 10. Internationale Polartagung, Zürich, April 1976.1976