Kolumban Hutter

(1941-2024). Prof. Dr. Antarktis. Publ. mit Heinz Blatter 1991. Experte in theoretischer Glaziologie.
Max-Planck Forschungspreis 1994
Hutter, Kolumban


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Blatter, Heinz u. K. Hutter Polythermal conditions in Arctic glaciers. Journal of Glaciology 37, 126, 261-269.1991
Faria, S., G. Kremer u. K. Hutter On the inclusion of recrystallization processes in the modelling of induced anisotropy in ice sheets: a thermodynamicist’s point of view. Annals of Glaciology 37, 29-34.2003
Gödert, Günter u. K. Hutter Material update procedure for planar transient flow of ice with evolving anisotropy. Annals of Glaciology 30, 107-114.2000
Greve, R. u. K. Hutter Polythermal three-dimensional modelling of the Greenland ice sheet with varied geothermal heat flux. Annals of Glaciology 21, 8-12.1995
Iken, Almut, H. Röthlisberger, K. Hutter Deep drilling with a hot water jet. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. 12, Heft 2, 143-156.1977
Placidi, L., S. Faria u. Kolumban Hutter On the role of grain growth, recrystallization and polygonization in a continuum theory of anisotropic ice sheets. Annals of Glaciology 39, 49-52.2004
Savvin, A., R. Greve, R. Calov, B. Mügge u. K. Hutter Simulation of the Antarctic ice sheet with a three-dimansional polythermal ice-sheet model, in support of the EPICA project. II. Nested high-resolution treatment of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology 30, 69-75.2000
Wu, T, K. Johnk, B. Svendsen u. K. Hutter On the gravity-driven shear flow of an ice-till mixture. Annals of Glaciology 24, 124-128.1997
Keller, Arne, Kolumban HutterConceptual thoughts on continuum damage mechanics for shallow ice shelves. Journal of Glaciology, vol. 60, 222, pp. 685-693. DOI: 10.3189/2014JoG14J010 Research Collection2017
Stocker, Thomas, K. HutterQualitative aspects of topographic waves in closed basins, gulfs and channels. In: Modeling Marine Systems, A.M. Davies (ed.), 1, CRC Press, pp. 255-289.1990
Hindmarsh, R.C.A., G.S. Boulton u. K. HutterModes of Operation of Thermo-Mechanically Coupled Ice Sheets. Annals of Glaciology, 12, 57-69.1989
Svendsen, Bod u. K. HutterA continuum approach for modelling induced anisotropy in glaciers and ice sheets. Annals of Glacliology, 23, 262-269.1996
Weis, Magnus, K. Hutter u. R. Carlov250'000 years on the history of Greenland's ice sheet. Annals of Glaciology, 23, 359-363.1996
Hutter, Kolumban On the mechanics of floating ice sheets. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaciologie Nr. 27, ETH, Zürich.1978
Hutter, Kolumban, F. Legerer u. U. Spring First-order stresses and deformations in glaciers and ice sheets. J. Glaciol. 27, 96, 227-270.1981
Hutter, Kolumban A mathematical model of polythermal glaciers and ice sheets. J. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 21, pp. 201-224.1982
Hutter, Kolumban Theoretical glaciology; material science of ice and the mechanics of glaciers and ice sheets. D. Reidel Publishing Company/Tokyo, Terra Scientific Publishing Company.1983
Hutter, Kolumban Treibhauseffekt, Eisschilde und Meeresspiegel. In: Physik unserer Zeit, November 1989, Verlag vch. 1989
Hutter, Kolumban Thermo-mechanically coupled ice sheet response. Cold, polythermal, temperate. J. Glaciol. 39, 131, 65-86.1993
Hutter, Kolumban EISMINT, the International Symposium on Ice Sheet Modelling, held in Chamonix Mont Blanc, France, 18.-22. September 1995. Annals of Glaciology 23.1996
Hutter, Kolumban, Y. Wang u. H. BeerAdvances in Cold-Region Thermal Engineering and Sciences. Symposium Darmstadt, 22.-25. August 1999. Springer, Berlin. Heidelberg.1999
Hutter, Kolumban, Hrsg. EISMINT/EPICA Symposium on Ice Sheet Modelling and Deep Ice Drilling held in Den Haag, The Netherlands, 21.-22. April 1999, 249 pp. 2000
Hutter, Kolumban (Hrsg.) International Symposium in Snow, Avalanches and Impact of the Forest Cover held in Innsbruck, Austria, 22.-26. Mai 2000.2001
Hutter, Kolumban Advances in Constituive Modelling of Anisotropic Ice in Polar Ice Caps. International Glaciological Symposium 14. Februar 2003, ETH, Zürich.2003
Hutter, KolumbanTime-Dependent Surface Elevation of an Ice Slope. Journal of Glaciology, 25, 92, 247-266.1980
Hutter, KolumbanThe Effect of Longitudinal Strain on the Shear Stress of an Ice Sheet: In Defence of Using Streched Coodinates. Journal of Glaciology, 27, 95, 39-56.1981
Huttr, KolumbanA Numerical Study of Plane Ice-Sheet Flow. Journal of Glaciology, 32, 111, 139-160.1986
Hutter, Kolumban u. H. EngelhardtThe Use of Continuum Thermodynamics in the Formulation of Ice-Sheet Dynamics. Annals of Glaciology, 11, 45-51.1988