Matthias Hunziker

Dr. Geograf. Uni Basel, Arctic Research (Quelle: SCNAT). Forschungsreisen Grönland.
Seit 2017 Projektleiter Umwelt bei Gruner AG
Hunziker, Matthias


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Caviezel, Chatrina, M. Hunziker, N.J. KuhnBequest of the Norseman - The Potential for Agricultural Intensification and Expansion in Southern Greenland under Climate Change. Land 2017, 6, 4, 87.
Hunziker, Matthias, C. Caviezel, N.J. KuhnThe potential and sustainability of agricultural land use in a changing ecosystem in southern Greeenland. Conference: EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Vol. 17.2015