Christof Huber

Dr. Diss. Uni Bern 2004 bei Leuenberger + Stocker. Publ. 2006, NGRIPavatar image

born 1972


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Landais, A., J.-M. Barnola, V. Masson-Delmotte, J. Jouzel, J. Chappellaz, N. Caillon, C. Huber, M. Leuenberger u. S.J. Johnsen A continuous record of temperature evolution over a sequence of Dansgaard-Oeschger events during Marine Isotopic Stage 4 (76 to 62 kyr BP), Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L22211.2004
Landais, A., V. Masson-Delmotte, J. Jouzel, D. Raynaud, S. Johnsen, C. Huber, M. Leuenberger, J. Schwander u. B. MinsterThe glacial inception as recorded in the NorthGRIP Greenland ice core: timing, structure and associated abrupt temperature changes. Climate Dynamics, 26, 2-3, 273-284.2006
Landais, A., J.-M. Barnola, K. Kawamura, N. Caillon, M. Delmotte, T. Van Ommen, G. Dreyfus, J. Jouzel, V. Masson-Delmotte, B. Minster, J. Freitag, M. Leuenberger, J. Schwander, C. Huber, D. Ethridge u. V. Morgan Firn-air ?15N in modern polar sites and glacial-interglacial ice: a model-data mismatch during glacial periods in Antarctica? Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 1-2, 49-62.2006
Leuenberger, Markus, P. Nyfeler, H.P. Moret, P. Sturm u. C. Huber A new gas inlet system for an isotope ratio mass spectrometer improves reproducibility. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 14, 16, 1543-1551.2000
Leuenberger, Markus u. C. Huber On-line determination of oxygen isotope ratios of water or ice by mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 74, 18, 4611-4617.2002
NGRIP community members: K.K. Andersen, N. Azuma, J.-M, Barnola, M. Bigler, P. Biscaye, N. Caillon, J. Chappellaz, H.B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, H. Fischer, J. Flückiger, D. Fritzsche, Y. Fujii, G. Goto-Azuma, K. Grønvold, N.S.Gundestrup, M. Hansson, C. Huber, C.S. Hvidberg, S.J. Johnsen, U. Jonsell, J. Jouzel, S. Kipfstuhl, A. Landais, M. Leuenberger, R. Lorrain, V. Masson-Delmotte, H. Miller, H. Motoyama, H. Narita, T. Popp, S.O. Rasmussen, D. Raynaud, R. Röthlisberger, U. Ruth, D. Samyn, J. Schwander, H. Shoji, M.-L. Siggard-Andersen, J.P. Steffensen, T.F. Stocker, A.E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir, A. Svensson, M. Takata, J.-L. Tison, Th. Thorsteinsson, O. Watanabe, F. Wilhelms u. J.W.C WhiteHigh-resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate extending into the last interglacial period. Nature 431, 147-151, doi:10.1038/nature2805.2004
Severinghaus, J.P., J. Jouzel, N. Caillon, T.F. Stocker, C. Huber, M. Leuenberger, B. Alley, J. Chappellaz, J.-M. Barnola u. E.J. Brook Comment on „Greenland-Antarctic phase relations and millennial time-scale fluctuations in the Greenland ice-cores’’ by C. Wunsch. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23, 18-19, pp. 2053-2054. 2004
Huber, Christof Methoden zur kontinuierlichen massenspektrometrischen Messung von Isotopenverhältnissen an Luft, Wasser und Eisbohrkernen. Universität Bern, Diplomarbeit 2001.2001
Huber, Christof u. M. Leuenberger O2/N2 measurements on polar ice cores with a new on-line extraction technique, Abstract for EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice 2002.2002
Huber, Christof, M. Leuenberger, J. Flückiger u. J. Schwander Assessing the rapid temperature changes of DO events 9-12 from air isotope measurements on North GRIP. Abstract for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2003.2003
Huber, Christof u. M. Leuenberger Measurements of water isotopes and deuterium excess on ice cores with a new on-line technique. Abstract for EURESCO Conference, San Feliu de Guixols, 2003.2003
Huber, Christof u. M. Leuenberger Fast high-precision on-line determination of hydrogen isotope ratios of water or ice by continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 17, 12, 1319-1325.2003
Huber, Christof, M. Leuenberger u. P. Nyfeler New online methods for water and air isotopes on ice cores. Abstract for EGS – AGU – EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, 2003.2003
Huber, Christof, M. Leuenberger u. O. Zumbrunnen Continuous extraction of trapped air from bubble ice or water for on-line determination of isotope ratios. Analytical Chemistry, 75, 10, pp. 23244-2332.2003
Huber, Christof How large were the temperature fluctuations in Greenland over the last 70'000 Years?. New insights from stable isotope ratio measurements on polar ice cores with a novel on-line extraction technique. Universität Bern, Dissertation 2004.2004
Huber, Christof u. Leuenberger, MMeasurements of Isotope and Elemental Ratios of Air from Polar Ice with a New On-Line Extraction Method. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 5, Q10002, doi:10.1029/2004GC000766.2004
Huber, Christof u. M. Leuenberger On-line systems for contuous water and gas isotope ratio measurements. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 41, 3, 189-205.2005
Huber, Christof, U. Beyerle, M. Leuenberger, J. Schwander, R. Kipfer, R. SpahniEvidence for molecular sizie dependent gas fraction in firn air derived from noble gases, oxygen, and nitrogen mesurements. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243, 1-2, 61-73.2006
Huber, Christof, M. Leuenberger, R. Spahni, J. Flückiger, J. Schwander, T. F. Stocker, S.J. Johnsen, A. Landais u. J. JouzelIsotope calibrated Greenland temperature record over Marine Isotope Stage 3 and its relation to CH4. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243, 3-4, 504-519.2006