Christof Appenzeller

Prof. Dr. ETH. Publ. 1998 mit T. Stocker.
Meteoschweiz: Leiter Analyse und Prognose
Appenzeller, Christof


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Schwierz, Cornelia, A. Appenzeller, H.C. Davies, M.A. Liniger, W. Müller, T.F. Stocker u. M. YoshimoriChallenges posed by and approaches to the study of seasonal-to-decadal climate variability. Clim. Change 79, 31-63.2006
Appenzeller, Christof, J. Schwander, S. Sommer, u. T.F. StockerThe North Atlantic Oscillation and its imprint on precipitation and ice accumulation in Greenland. Geophysical Research Letters 25, 11, 1939-1942.1998
Appenzeller, Christof, T.F. Stocker u. M. Anklin North Atlantic Oscillation dynamics recorded in Greenland ice cores. Science 282, 446-4491998
Appenzeller, Christof, T.F. Stocker u. A. Schmittner Natural climate variability and climate change in the North-Atlantic European region: change for surprise? Integrated Assessment, 1, 301-306.2001
Appenzeller, Christof u. T.F. StockerDer Atlantik - Klimaschaukel und Klimajoker. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 79, p. 75.1999