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Anklin, Martin, J. Schwander, B. Stauffer, J. Tschumi, A. Fuchs, J.-M. Barnola u. D. Raynaud | CO2 record between 40 and 8 kyr B.P. from the GRIP ice core. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 26539-26545. | 1997 | GRIP (Greenland Ice-core members) | Climate instability during the Last Interglacial period recorded in the GRIP ice core. Nature, 364, 203-207 | 1993 | Schwander, J. T. Sowers, J.-M. Barnola, T. Blunier, B. Malaizé u. A. Fuchs | Age scale of air in the summit ice: Implication for glacial-interglacial temperature change. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (D16), 19483-19494, 1997. | 1997 | Fuchs, A. | System zur Messung der CH4, CO2 und N2O-Konzentrationen von Luft, extrahiert aus kleinen Eisproben. Universität Bern, Diplomarbeit 1991. | 1991 | Fuchs, A., J. Schwander u. B. Stauffer | A new ice mill allows precise concentration determination of methane and most probably also other trace gases in the bubble air of very small ice samples. Journal of Glaciology, 39, 199-203. | 1993 | Fuchs, A. | Information über Archivierung von Luft in Polareis und über das Palaeoklilma aus N2, O2, Argon, den Spurengasen und ihren stabilen Isotopen. Universität Bern, Dissertation 1995. | 1995 | Fuchs, A. u. M. Leuenberger | ?18O of atmospheric oxygen mesured on the GRIP ice core document stratigraphic disturbances in the lowest 10% of the core. Geographical Research Letters 23, 1049-1052. | 1996 |
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