Jann Forrer

Dr. Natw. ETH. Diss. 1999. Grönland 1991. Stable boundary layer über Grönland Ice Sheet.
Jetzt Rechenzentrum IT Uni
Forrer, Jann

born 1964


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Ohmura, Atsumu, K. Steffen, H. Blatter, W. Greuell, M. Rotach, M. Stober, T. Konzelmann, J. Forrer, A. Abe-Ouchi, D. Steiger u. G. Niederbäumer ETH Greenland Expedition: Progress Report No. 2: April 1991 to October 1992 Technical report. ETH Zürich, Department of Geography. 1992
Forrer, Jann u. W. Rotach On the turbulence Structure in the stable boundary layer over the Greenland ice sheet. Boud.-Layer Meteor. 85, 111-136.1997
Forrer, Jann The structure and turbulence characteristics of the stable boundary layer over the Greenland ice sheet. ETH Zürich, Dissertation 1999.1999