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Philberth, Karl u. Bruno Federer | On the temperature profile and the age profile in the central part of cold ice sheets. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 10, 3-14. | 1971 | EPICA Community Members | One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica. Nature, 444, 195-198. | 2006 | Philberth, Karl u. B. Federer | On the temperature gradient in the upper part of cold ice sheets. Journal of Glaciology, 13, 67, 144-147. | 1974 | Federer, Bruno | Glaziologische Messungen auf der grönländischen Eiskalotte. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 26. März 1969. | 1969 | Federer, Bruno | Neutron Activation Determination of the Aerosol Content of Greenland Snow. Fure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 79, 120-127. | 1970 | Federer, Bruno | Bericht über die Begehung der Ablationszone des EGIG-Profiles (13.-26. Juli 1970). Eidg. Inst. für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung Weissfluhjoch-Davos, Interner Bericht Nr. 508. | 1970 | Federer, Bruno, H. v. Sury, K. Philberth, K., u. M. de Quervain | Outflow and Accumulation of Ice in Jarl-Joset Station, Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Res. Vol. 75, No. 24, 4567-4569. | 1970 | Federer, Bruno u. H. von Sury | Deducing thickness changes of an ice sheet: comments on the paper by J.F. Nye. Journal of Glaciology, 17, 77, 531. | 1976 |
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