Bridgwater, D., A. Escher, F. D. Nash & J. Watterson | Investigations on the Nagssugtoqidian boundery between Holsteinsborg and Kangâmiut central West Greenland. Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 55, 22-25. | 1973 |
Bridgwater, D., A. Escher & J. Watterson | Tectonc displacements and thermal activity in two contrasting Proterozoic mobile belts from Greenland. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 273, 513-533. | 1973 |
Bridgwater, D., A. Escher & J. Watterson | Dyke swarms and the persistance of major geological boundaries in Greenland. In Park, R. G. & Tarney, J. (edit.) The Early Precambrian of Scotland and related rocks of Greenland. 137-141. Birmingham U. P. | 1973 |
Chessex, Ronald, M., M. Delaloye, F. Gülacar u. A. Escher | U-Pb isotopic ages of zircons from Precambrian rocks of West-Greenland. Fortschr. Miner. 50, 60-61. | 1973 |
Baud, Aymon, Arthur Escher, Hugo Bucher | History of the Geology of Lausanne | 2024 |
Escher Arthur | The Deformation and Granitisation of Ketilidian Rocks in the Nanortalik Area, South Greenland. Bull. Grønlands geol. Unders. 59 (also Med. o. G. 172, 9), 115 pp. | 1966 |
Escher, Arthur | New geological reconnaissance mapping in the area between Nordre Strømfjord and Ikertok fjord. Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 11, 24-25. | 1966 |
Escher, Arthur u. M. Burri | Stratigraphy and structural development oft he Precambrian rocks in the area northeast of Disco Bugt, West Greenland. Rapport Grønlands geol. Unders. 13, 28 pp. | 1967 |
Escher, Arthur | Tectonic Levels in the Precambrian of South Greenland. In: Institut de Géologie de l’Université de Neuchâtel. Etages tectoniques, pp. 141-150. | 1967 |
Escher, Arthur u. T.C.R. Pulvertaft | The Precambrian rocks of the Upernavik-Kraulhavn area (72°-74°15’N) West Greenland. Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 15, 11-14. | 1968 |
Escher, Arthur | Tectonic/Geological Map of Greenland 1:2 500 000. Grønlands geol. Unders. | 1970 |
Escher, Arthur, J.C. Escher J. Watterson, J. | The Nagssugtoqidian boundary and the deformation of the Kângamiut dyke swarm in the Søndre Strømfjord area. Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 28, 21-23. | 1970 |
Escher, Arthur | Søndre Strømfjord – Nûgssuaq. Karte 1:500'000 compil. Kopenhagen, GEUS. | 1971 |
Escher, Arthur & J. Watterson | Kimberlites and associated Rocks in the Holsteinsborg – Søndre Strømfjord Region, Central West Greenland. Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 55, 26-27. | 1973 |
Escher, Arthur, J.C.Escher, u. J. Watterson | The Reorientation of the Kangâmiut Dike Swarm, West Greenland. Can. J. Earth Sci, 12, 158-173. | 1975 |
Escher, Arthur u. J. Watterson | Stretching Fabrics, Folds and Crustal Shortening. Tectonophysics 22, 223-231. | 1974 |
Escher, Arthur u. W. Stuart Watt | Geology of Greenland, 603 pp. Kopenhagen: Geological Survey of Greenland. | 1976 |
Escher, Arthur u. T.C.R. Pulvertaft | Rinkian moblie belt of West Greenland. In: Escher, A. & W.S. Watt (eds.): Geology of Greenland, pp. 104-119. | 1976 |