Olivier Eicher

Dr. Physiker. War Doktorand am Physikal. Inst. UNI BE, Gymnasium Thun. Publ. 2000 mit Schwander, NEEM 2013Eicher, Olivier


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Baumgartner, Matthias, A. Schilt, O. Eicher, J. Schmitt, J. Schwander, R. Spahni, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker High-resolution interpolar difference of atmospheric methane around the Last Glacial Maximum. Biogeosciences, 9, 10, 3961-3877.2013
Baumgartner, Matthias, P. Kindler, O. Eicher, G. Floch, A. Schilt, J. Schwander, R. Spahni, E. Capron, J. Chappellaz, M. Leuenberger, H. Fischer u. T.F. StockerNGRIP CH4 concentration from 120 to 10 kyr before present and its relation to a ?15N temperature reconstruction from the same ice core. Climate of the Past, 9, 4655-4704.2013
Baumgartner, Matthias, P. Kindler, O. Eicher, G. Floch, A. Schilt, J. Schwander, R. Spahni, E. Capron, J. Chappellaz, M. Leuenberger, H. Fischer u. T.F. StockerNGRIP CH4 concentration from 120 to 10 kyr before present and its relation to ?15N temperature reconstruction from the same ice core. Clim. Past, 10, pp. 903-920.2014
Schilt, Adrian, M. Baumgartner, O. Eicher, J. Chappellaz, J. Schwander, H. Fischer u. T.F. Stocker The response of atmospheric nitrous oxide to climate variations during the last glacial period. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 1888-1893.2013
NEEM community members: Dahl-Jensen, D., M.R. Albert, A. Aldahan, N. Azuma, D. Balslev-Clausen, M. Baumgartner, A.-M. Berggren, M. Bigler, T. Binder, T. Blunier, J.C. Bourgeois, E.J. Brook, S.L. Burchardt. C. Buizert, E. Capron, J. Chappellaz, J. Chung, H.B. Clausen, I. Cijanovic, S.M. Davis, P. Ditlevsen, O. Eicher, H. Fischer, D.A. Fisher, L. Fleet, G. Gfeller. V. Gkinis, S. Gogieni, K. Goto-Azuma, A. Grinstad, H. Gudlaugsdottir, M. Guillevic, S.B. Hansen, M. Hansson, M. Hirabayashi, S. Hong, S.D. Hur, P. Huybrechts, C. Hvidberg, Y. Iizuka, T. Jenk, S.J. Johnsen, T.T.Jones,J. Jouzel, N.B. Karlson, K. Kawamura, K. Keegan, E. Kettner, S. Kipfstuhl, H.A. Kjaer, M. Koutnik, T. Kuramoto, P. Köhler, T. Laepple, A. Landais, P. Langen, L.B. Larsen, D. Leuenberger, M. Leuenberger, C. Leuschen, J. Li, V. Lipenkov, P. Martinerie, O.J. Maselli, V. Masson-Delmotte, J.R. McConnell, H. Miller, O. Mini, A. Miyamoto, M. Montahnat-Rentier, R. Mulvaney, R. Muscheler, A.J. Orsi, J. Paden, C. Panton, F. Pattyn,, J.R. Petit, K. Pol, G. Possnert, F. Prié, M. Prokopiou, A. Quinque, S.O. Rasmussen, D. Raynaud, J. Ren, C. Reutenauer, C. Ritz, T. Roeckmann, J.L. Rosen, M. Rubino, O. Rybak, D. Samyn, C.J. Sapart, A. Schilt, A. Schmidt, J. Schwander, S. Schüpbach, I. Seierstad, T. Sowers, P. Sperlich, H.C. Stehen-Larsen, K. Steffen, J.P. Steffensen, D. Steinhage, T.F. Stocker, C. Stowasser, A.S. Sturevik, B. Sturges, A. Sveinbjörndottir, A. Svensson, J.-L. Tison, J. Uetake, P. Vallelonga, RSW. Van de Wal, G. van der Wel, B.H. Vaughn, B. Vinther, E. Waddington, A. Wegner, I. Weikusat, J.W.C. White, F. Wilhelms, M. Winstrup, E. Witrant, E. Wolff, C. Xiao,u. J. ZhengEemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core. Nature, 493, 489-494.2013
Eicher, Olivier Teilautomatisierung der Nassextraktionsanlage für CH4 und N2O-Messungen an polaren Eisbohrkernen. Universität Bern, Masterarbeit 20122012
Eicher, Olivier, M. Baumgartner, A. Schilt, J. Schmitt, J. Schwander, T.F. Stocker u. H. Fischer Climatic and insolation control on the high-resolution total air content in the NGRIP ice core. Climate of the Past, 12, 10,5194/cp, 1979-1993.2016