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Martinez-Garcia, Alfredo, D.M. Sigman, H. Ren, R.F. Anderson, M. Straub, D.A. Hodell, Samuel L. Jaccard, Timothey I. Eglinton, u. G.H. Haug | Iron Fertilization of the Subantarctic Ocean During the Last Ice Age. Science 43, 1347-1350. | 2014 | Schwab, Melissa, R.G. Hilton. P.A. Raymond, N. Haghipour, E. Amos, S.E. Tank, R.M. Holmes, E.T. Tipper T.I. Eglinton | An Abrupt Aging of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Large Arctic Rivers. Geophysical Research Letters, 47,22020GL088823. https://doi.10.1029/20220GL088823 | 2020 | Lattaud, Julie, C. De. Jonge, A. Pearson, F.J. Elling, T.I. Eglinton | Microbial lipid signatures in Arctic deltaic sediments - insights into methane cycling and climate veriability. EarthArXiv, https://doi.org.10.3929/ethz-b-000450874 | 2020 | Lattaud, J., L. Bröder, N. Haghipour, J. Rickli, I. Giosan, T.I. Eglinton | Influence of Hydraulic Connectivity on Carbon Burial Efficiency in Mackenzie Delta Lake Sediments. JGR Biogeosciences, Research Article 10.1029/2020JG006054,1-18. | 2021 |
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