Timothy I. Eglinton

Prof. Dr. ETH. Publikation 2014
Seit 2010 Professor ETH für Biogeowissenschaft
Eglinton, Timothy I.


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Martinez-Garcia, Alfredo, D.M. Sigman, H. Ren, R.F. Anderson, M. Straub, D.A. Hodell, Samuel L. Jaccard, Timothey I. Eglinton, u. G.H. Haug Iron Fertilization of the Subantarctic Ocean During the Last Ice Age. Science 43, 1347-1350.2014
Schwab, Melissa, R.G. Hilton. P.A. Raymond, N. Haghipour, E. Amos, S.E. Tank, R.M. Holmes, E.T. Tipper T.I. EglintonAn Abrupt Aging of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Large Arctic Rivers. Geophysical Research Letters, 47,22020GL088823. https://doi.10.1029/20220GL0888232020
Lattaud, Julie, C. De. Jonge, A. Pearson, F.J. Elling, T.I. EglintonMicrobial lipid signatures in Arctic deltaic sediments - insights into methane cycling and climate veriability. EarthArXiv, https://doi.org.10.3929/ethz-b-0004508742020
Lattaud, J., L. Bröder, N. Haghipour, J. Rickli, I. Giosan, T.I. EglintonInfluence of Hydraulic Connectivity on Carbon Burial Efficiency in Mackenzie Delta Lake Sediments. JGR Biogeosciences, Research Article 10.1029/2020JG006054,1-18.2021