Tobias Schneider

Dr. Geograf. Dissertation am Oeschger Centre über Seesedimente, KlimaarchiveSchneider, Tobias


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Zhao, B., I.S. Castaneda. J.M. Salacup, E.K. Thomas, W.C. Daniels, T. Schneider, G.A: de Wel, R.S. BradleyProlonged Drying Tren Coincident with the Demise of Norse Settlement, Southern Greenland. Sci. Adv.
Zhao, B., I.S. Castaneda, R.S. Bradley, J.M. Salacup. G.A. de Wet, W.C. Daniels, T. SchneiderDevelopment of an insitu branched glycerol dialkyl tetraether (brGGDGT) calibration in Lake 578, southern Greenland. Organic Heochistry.