David J. Janssen

Dr. Paleooceanographie. Uni Bern, Oeschger Center. EAWAG. Untersuchte Schwermetalle in Grönlands Flüssenavatar image


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Rickli, Jörg, D.J. Janssen, C. Hassler, M.J. Ellwood, S.L. JaccardChromium biogeochemistry and stable isotope distribution in the Southern Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 262, 188-206.2019
Janssen, D.J. M. Sieber, M.J. Ellwood, T.M. Conway, P.M. Barrett, X. Chen, G,F. de Souza, C.S. Hassler, S.L. JaccardTrace metal nutrient dynamics across broad biogeochemical gradients in the Indian and Pacific sectors of the Southern Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 221, 103773.2020