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Husherr, Rachel, M. Levasseur, M. Lizottee, J.-E. Tremblay, J. Mol, H. Thomas, M. Gosselin, M. Starr, L.A. Miller, T. Jarnikova, N. Schuback u. A. Mucci | Impact of ocean acidification on Arctic phytoplankton blooms and dimethylsulfiiide production under simulated ice-free and under-ice conditions. Biogeosciences Discuss. doi:10.5194/bg-2016-501, 2016. | 2016 | Robinson, C.M., Y. Hyot, N. Schuback, T.J. Ryan-Keogh, S.J. Thomalla, D. Antoine | High latitude Southern Ocean phytoplancton have distinctive bio-optical properties. Optic Express, 29, 14, p. 21084 | 2021 | Schuback, Nina, M. Flecken, M.T. Maldonado u. P.D. Torell | Diurnal variation in the coupling of photosynthetic electron transport and carbon fixation in iron -limited phytoplankton in the NE subarctic Pacific. Biogeisciences, 13, 1019-1035. | 2016 | Schuback, Nina, C.L.M. Hoppe, J.-E. Trembley, M.T. Maldonado u. P.D. Tortell | Primary productivity and coupling of photosynthetic electron transport and carbon fixation in the Arctic Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 2017. doi:10.1002/Ino.10475. | 2017 | Schuback, Nina, C.J.M. Hoppe, J.-E. Tremblay, M.T. Maldonado u. P.D. Tortell | Primary productivity and the coupling of light absorbtion, photosynthethic electron transport and carbon fixation in the Arctic Ocean. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.22706.56008. | 2019 | Schuback, Nina, S. Thomalla u. D. Antoine | Phytoplankton abundance and composition in the Southern Ocean: Bio-optical research during the recent Antarctic Circumpolar Expedition (ACE). Curtis&apos's Botanical Magazine, 34, 3, 169-174. | 2017 |
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