Simon A. Müller

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Knutti, Reto, F. Joos, S.A. Müller, G.-K. Plattner u. T.F. StockerProbabilistic climate change projections for stabilization profiles. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L20707.2005
Ritz, S.P., T.F. Stocker u. S.A. MüllerModelling the effect of abrupt ocean circulation change on marine surface reservoir age. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 268, 202-211.2008
Wanner, Heinz, J. Beer, J. Bütikofer, T.J. Crowley, U. Cubasch, J. Flückiger, H. Goosse, M. Grosjean, F. Joos, J.O. Kaplan, M. Küttel, S.A. Müller, I.C. Prentice, O. Solomina, T.F. Stocker, P. Tarasov, M. Wagner u. M. WidmannMid-to late Holocene climate change: an overview. Quat. Sci. Rev. 27, 1791-1828.2008