Stefan Brönnimann

Prof. Dr. ETH, Klimaforschung. Jetzt am Oeschger Centre, Bern als Nachfolger von Heinz Wanner.Brönnimann, Stefan


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Grant, Andrea Nicole, S. Brönnimann u. L. Haimberger Recent Arctic warming strongest near ground. Nature, 455, E2-E3, doi:10.1038/nature07257.2008
Hann, Julius Zur Witterungsgeschichte von Nord-Grönland, Westküste. (On the weather history of North Greenland, west coast).- Meteorol. Z. 7, pp. 109-115 (translated and edited by E. Volken u. S. Brönnimann. Meteorol. Z. 19 (2010), 199-205.1890
Wanner, Heinz, S. Brönnimann, C. Casti, D. Gyalistras, J. Luterbacher, C. Schmutz, D.B. Stephenson u. E. XoplakiNorth Atlantic Oscillation – Concept and Studies. Surveys in Geophysics 22, 321-382.2001
Brönnimann, Stefan, A.N. Grant, G.P. Compo, T. Ewan, T. Griesser, A.M. Fischer, M. Schraner u. A. SticklerA multi-data set comparison of the vertical structure of temperature variability and chamnge over the Arctic during the pasts 100 year, in press (online). Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1291-6.2012
Labitzke, K., M. Kunze u. S. Brönnimann Sunspots, the QBO and the stratosphere in the North Polar region – 20 years later. Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 15, 355-363.2006
Vogler, C., S. Brönnimann u. G. Hansen Re-evaluation of the 1950-1962 total ozone record from Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 6, 4763-4773.2006