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Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter, H. Ito, G. Kappenberger, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff, B. Stauffer u. J. Weiss | North Water Project, Progress Report II. McGill Iniversity, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 66 pp. | 1974 | Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter, R. Braithwaite, H. Ito, G. Kappenberger, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. A. Züst | North Water Project, Progress Report III, 1 October 1974 to 30 September 1975. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 148 pp. | 1975 | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite | On the climatic influence of the North Water. Proceedings of the Symposium on Geography of Polar Countries, 23rd International Geographical Congress, Leningrad, USSR, 22.-26. July, 1976, pp. 55-58. | 1976 | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite | The North Water Project (Canadian-Greenland Arctic). Polar Geography, Vol. 1, pp. 75-85; translated from Geographica Helvetica, Vol. 28, No. 2, 1973. | 1977 | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite | Das North Water Projekt, kanadische Hocharktis. Verhandlungen der Schweiz. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, pp. 183-185. | 1972 | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite | Das North Water-Projekt (kanadisch-grönländische Hocharktis). Geographica Helvetica, Vol. 28, No. 2, 111-117. | 1973 | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite | North Water Project Field Activities 1 April to 31 March 1974. Progress Report I. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 55 pp. | 1974 | Müller, Fritz, P. Berger, R. Braithwaite, H. Ito, H. Müller, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. K. Steffen | North Water Project, Progress Report V. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 152 pp. | 1978 | Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura, R. Braithwaite u. K. Schroff | Das North Water Projekt: Die Probleme, das Feldexperiment und einige Ergebnisse. 10th Internationale Polartagung, Zürich, April 1976. | 1976 | Konzelmann, Thomas u. R.J. Braithwaite | Variations of ablations, albedo and energy balance at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet, Kronprins Christian Land, eastern north Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 44, 137, 174-182. | 1995 | Braithwaite, Roger | Air temperature and glacier ablation - a parametric approach. Dissertation, Interdisciplinary Glaciology, McGill University, Montreal. 146 pp. | 1977 | Braithwaite, Roger | Statistical modelling of thermal interaction of ice masses with the atmosphere. Axel Heiberg Island, Miscellaneous Papers, McGill University, Montreal, pp. 15-18. | 1972 | Braithwaite, Roger | Glacier mass balance: the first 50 years of internatonal monitoring. Progress in Physical Geography 26, 1, 76-95. | 2002 | Braithwaite, R., T. Konzelmann, C. Marty u. O.B. Olesen | Reconnaissance Study of glacier energy balance in North Greenland, 1993-93. Journal of Glaciology, 44, 147, 239-247. | 1998 | Braithwaite, Roger, T. Konzelmann, C. Marty u. O.B. Olesen | Errors in daily ablation measurements in northern Greenland, 1993-94, and their implications for glacier climate studies. Journal of Glaciology, 44, 148, 583-588. | 1998 |
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