Atsumu Ohmura

(Japan). Prof. Glaziologe. Diss. ETH 1980. Schüler und Nachfolger von Prof. Fritz Müller.
Gründete 1992 das World Radiation Monitoring Centre (WRMC) an der ETH, ab 2008 beim AWI.
Entdeckte das Global Dimming, Global Brightening und Missing Absorption. Erforschte die Interaktion von Kryosphäre mit der Atmosphäre und den Ozeanen. Energiebilanz. Axel Heiberg, North Water.
War Präsident der International Glaciological Society.
IASC-Medaille 2021 und weitere Auszeichnungen
Ohmura, Atsumu

born 1942
Ohmura u. Lang1989






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Blatter, Heinz u. A. OhmuraGrönlandforschung in der Schweiz. In: Die Polarforschung als Schlüssel zum Verständnis der globalen Veränderungen. Schweiz. Kommission für Polarforschung, pp. 7-16.2001
Calanca, Pierluigi Stefano u. A. Ohmura Atmospheric moisture flux convergence and accumulation on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Proceedings of Yokohama Sympisia J2 and J5, July 1993, IAHS Publ. No. 223, 1994.1994
Calanca, Pierluigi Stefano, H. Gilgen, S. Ekholm u. A. Ohmura Gridded temperature and accumulation distributions for Greenland for use in cryospheric models. Annals of Glaciology 31, 118-120.2000
Dadic, R., M. Schneebeli, M. Lehning, M.A. Hutterli u. A. Ohmura Impact of the Microstructure of Snow on its Temperature: A Model Valodation with Measurements from Summit, Greenland. J. Geophys. Res. 113/D14, D14303. doi:10.1029/2007JD009562.2008
Konzelmann, Thomas Michael u. A. Ohmura Radiative Fluxes and Their Impact on the Energy Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet. J. Glaciol. 41, 490-502.1995
Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite Das North Water Projekt, kanadische Hocharktis. Verhandlungen der Schweiz. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, pp. 183-185.1972
Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite Das North Water-Projekt (kanadisch-grönländische Hocharktis). Geographica Helvetica, Vol. 28, No. 2, 111-117.1973
Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite North Water Project Field Activities 1 April to 31 March 1974. Progress Report I. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 55 pp.1974
Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter, H. Ito, G. Kappenberger, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff, B. Stauffer u. J. Weiss North Water Project, Progress Report II. McGill Iniversity, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 66 pp.1974
Müller, Fritz, H. Blatter, R. Braithwaite, H. Ito, G. Kappenberger, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. A. Züst North Water Project, Progress Report III, 1 October 1974 to 30 September 1975. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 148 pp.1975
Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura, R. Braithwaite u. K. Schroff Das North Water Projekt: Die Probleme, das Feldexperiment und einige Ergebnisse. 10th Internationale Polartagung, Zürich, April 1976.1976
Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite On the climatic influence of the North Water. Proceedings of the Symposium on Geography of Polar Countries, 23rd International Geographical Congress, Leningrad, USSR, 22.-26. July, 1976, pp. 55-58.1976
Müller, Fritz, A. Ohmura u. R. Braithwaite The North Water Project (Canadian-Greenland Arctic). Polar Geography, Vol. 1, pp. 75-85; translated from Geographica Helvetica, Vol. 28, No. 2, 1973.1977
Müller, Fritz, K. Steffen, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. H. Blatter Fernerkundungsflüge über der North Water Polynya. 11. Internationale Polartagung, Berlin, Oktober 1978.1978
Müller, Fritz, P. Berger, R. Braithwaite, H. Ito, H. Müller, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. K. Steffen North Water Project, Progress Report V. McGill University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, 152 pp.1978
Müller, Fritz, P. Berger, H. Ito, A. Ohmura, K. Schroff u. K. Steffen North Water Project, Progress Report VI. McGill University, Montreal u. ETH Zürich, 123 pp.1979
Paul, Frank, R.G. Barry, J.G. Cogley, H. Frey, W. Haeberli, A. Ohmura, C.S.L. Ommanney, B. Raup, A. Rivera u. M. ZempRecommendations for the compilation of glacier inventory data from digital sources. Annals of Glaciology 50(53), 119-126.2009
Steffen, Konrad u. A. Ohmura Heat exchange and surface conditions in the North Water. Symposium on snow and ice on the earth’s surface, International Glaciological Society, Sapporo, Sepember 1984.1984
Steffen, Konrad u. A. Ohmura Heat Exchange and Surface Conditions in the North Water, Northern Baffin Bay. Annals of Glaciology 6, 178-181.1985
Wild, Martin, A. Ohmura, H. Gilgen et al. The Disposition of Radiative Energy in the Global Climate System: GCM-calculated versus Observational Estimates. Clim. Dyn. 14, 935-869.1998
Wild, Martin u. A. Ohmura Change in mass balance of polar ice sheets and sea level from high-resulution GCM simulations of greenhouse warming. Annals of Glaciology, 30, 1, 197-203.2000
Wild, Martin, A. Ohmura, H. Gilgen et al. Evaluation of Downward Longwave Radiation in General Circulation Models. J. Clim. 14, 15, 3227-3239.2001
Wild, Martin, A. Ohmura, J. Gilgen, J.J. Morcrette u. A. Slingo Definiences in GCM-simulated dornward longwave radiation inferred from surface observations. In: Smith, W.L. and Timofeyev, Yu.M. Eds. 2001: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation. A. Deepak Publ. Hampton, VA, pp. 1231-1234.2001
Wild, Martin, P. Calanca, C. Scherrer u. A. Ohmura Effects of polar ice sheets on global sea level in high-resolution greenhouse scenarios. J. Geophys. Res. 108, D5, Art. 4165.2003
Blatter, Heinz, A. OhmuraProject description. ETH Greenland Expedition, Progress Report No. 1: April 1990 to February 1991, pp. 9-16.1991
Kaser, Georg, J.G.Vogley, M.B. Dyurgerov, M.F: Meier u. A. OhmuraMass balance of glaciers and ice caps: Consensus estimates for 1961-2004. Geophysical Research Letters 22, L19501, doi:10.1029/2006GL027511.2006
Kobashi, Takuro, L. Manviel, A. Jeltsch-Thommes, B.M. Vinther, J.E. Box, R. Muscheler, T. Nakaegawa, P. Pfister, M. Döring, M. Leuenberger, H. Wanner, A. OhmuraVolcanic influence on centennial to millennial Holocene Greenland temperature change. Scientific Reports, 7, 1, Nature Publish Group 10.1038/s41598-017-01451-72017
Ohmura, Atsumu Daily discharge of the Baby Glacier, 1969-70. Unpublished.1970
Ohmura, Atsumu Heat and water balance on arctic tundra. International Geography 1972, pp. 175-176.1972
Ohmura, Atsumu Some climatological notes on the Expedition Area Axel Heiberg Island. Miscellaneous Papers, McGill University, Montreal, pp. 4-14.1972
Ohmura, Atsumu Heat and water balance on arctic tundra. International Geography 1972. Published for the 22nd International Geographical Congress, Montreal, 1972. University of Toronto Press, pp. 175-176.1972
Ohmura, Atsumu Ocean-Tundra-Glacier Interaction Model. International Geography 1972. Published for the 22nd International Geographical Congress, Montreal 1972. University of Toronto Press, pp. 919-920. 1972
Ohmura, Atsumu The climate of the North Water 1972-75. North Water Project, Progress Report III, etited by F. Müller, McGill, University, Montreal and ETH Zürich, pp. 14-54.1975
Ohmura, Atsumu u. F. Müller A numerical experiment on the meso-scale temperature and humidity fields and atmospheric circulation of the North Water. 10. internationale Polartagung, Zürich, April 1976, pp. 15-16.1976
Ohmura, Atsumu u. F. Müller A numerical experimentation of the effect of the North Water polynya on the meso-scale temperature and humidity fields and atmospheric circulation. Proceedings of the Symposium on Geography of Polar Countries, 23rd International Geographical Congress, Leningrad, USSR, 22.-26. July, 1976, pp. 58-61.1976
Ohmura, Atsumu u. F. Müller Heat balance measurement on arctic tundra, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. International Geography, 2, Climatology, Hydrology and Glaciology, Moscow, pp. 80-84.1976
Ohmura, Atsumu Climatological Atlas of Baffin Bay (Manuskript). Geographisches Institut ETH Zürich, 47 pp.1977
Ohmura, Atsumu u. F. Müller Die mesoklimatische Verteilung von Lufttemperatur und Niederschlag über der hocharktischen Tundra von Axel-Heiberg Island, N.W.T., Kanada. Geographica Helvetica Vol. 32, No. 4, 185-194.1977
Ohmura, Atsumu u. F. Müller Aspects of mesoclimatic distribution of air temperature and precipitation over high arctic tundra. Axel Heiberg Island, N.W.T., Canada. Polar Geography, Vol. 4, 270-284.1978
Ohmura, Atsumu u. F. Müller Regional water balance for arctic tundra, Axel Heiberg Island, N.W.T., Canada. 11. Internationale Polartagung, Berlin, 1978.1978
Ohmura, Atsumu Climate and Energy Balance on Arctic Tundra. Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, spring and summer 1969, 1970 and 1972. ETH Zürich, Dissertation 1980, 448 pp.1980
Ohmura, Atsumu Wärmehaushalt in der arktischen Tundra. 12. Internationale Polartagung, Innsbruck, 1981.1981
Ohmura, Atsumu Climate and Energy Balance in the Arctic Tundra. Journal of Climatology, Vol. 2, 65-84.1982
Ohmura, Atsumu A historical Revew of Studies in the Energy Balance on Arctic Tundra. Review paper. Journal of Climatology, Vol. 2, 185-195.1982
Ohmura, Atsumu Evaporation from Surface of the Arctic Tundra on Axel Heiberg Island. Water Resources Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, 291-300.1982
Ohmura, Atsumu Regional Water Balance on the Arctic Tundra in Summer. Water Resources Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, 301-305.1982
Ohmura, Atsumu Objective Criteria for Rejecting Data for Bowen Radioation Flux Calculations. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 21, No. 4, 595-598.1982
Ohmura, Atsumu u. B. Stauffer North Water – Oase im Eismeer. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 29. September 19821982
Ohmura, Atsumu Climate and energy balance on an arctic polynya – a result of the North Water project. International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Hamburg, August 1983, p. 407.1983
Ohmura, Atsumu Ueber die « Fram«-  und « McMurdo» -Type Temperaturvariabilität. 13. Internationale Polartagung, Bamberg, 4.-7. Oltober 1983.1983
Ohmura, Atsumu Comperative Energy Balance Study for Arctic Tundra, Sea Surface, Glaciers and Boreal Forest. Geojournal, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 221-228.1984
Ohmura, Atsumu On the cause of «Fram» type seasonal change in diurnal amplitude of air temperature in Polar Regions. Journal of Climatology, Vol. 4, 325-338.1984
Ohmura, Atsumu Regional water balance in the mountainous Arctic and its application for water resource planning. In: Kirchhofer, Ohmura u. Wanner (edit.) Applied Climatology. Zürcher Geographische Schriften, No. 1, 67-77.1984
Ohmura, Atsumu Climate of the North Water. IAMAP/IAPSO Joint Assembly, Honolulu, August 2985, p. 119.1985
Ohmura, Atsumu New temperature distribution maps for Greenland. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 23, 1, 1-45.1987
Ohmura, Atsumu Die Rolle der Kryosphäre bei Klimaänderungen. Vortrag. 15. Internationale Polartagung Heidelberg, 3.-6. Oktober 1988.1988
Ohmura, Atsumu u. N. Reeh New precipitation and accumulation maps for Greenland. J. Glaciol. 37, 125, 140-148.1991
Ohmura, Atsumu, K. Steffen, H. Blatter, W. Greuell, M. Rotach, T. Konzelmann, M. Laternser, A. Abe-Ouchi u. D. Steiger ETH Greenland Expedition: Progress Report No. 1: April 1990 to February 1991 Technical Report. ETH Zürich, Department of Geography.1991
Ohmura, Atsumu, K. Steffen, H. Blatter, W. Greuell, M. Rotach, M. Stober, T. Konzelmann, J. Forrer, A. Abe-Ouchi, D. Steiger u. G. Niederbäumer ETH Greenland Expedition: Progress Report No. 2: April 1991 to October 1992 Technical report. ETH Zürich, Department of Geography. 1992
Ohmura, Atsumu and 6 othersEnergy balance for the Greenland ice sheet by observation and model computation. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 223 (Symposioum at Yokohama 1993 – Snow and Ice Covers : Interactions with the Atmosphere and Ecosystems), pp. 85-94.1993
Ohmura, Atsumu, M. Wild u. L. Bengtsson A Possible Change in Mass Balance of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets in the Coming Century. J. Climate 9, 9, 2124-2135.1996
Ohmura, Atsumu, M. Wild u. L. Bengtsson Present and future mass balance of the ice sheets simulated with GCM. Annals of Glaciology 23, 187-193.1996
Ohmura, Atsumu, P. Calanca, M. Wild u. M. Anklin Precipitation, accumulation and mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 35, 1, 1-20.1999
Ohmura, Atsumu Climate on tundra and thoughts on causes of regional climate differences. Annals of Glaciology 31, 10-14.2001
Ohmura, A. u. M. Wild Is the hydrological cycle accelerating? Science 298, 1345-1346.2002
Ohmura, Atsumu Changes in mountain glaciers and ice caps during the 20th century. Annals of Glaciology 43, 361-368.2006
Ohmura, Atsumu, A. Bauder, H. Müller, G. Kappenberger Long-term change of mass balance and the role of radiation. Annals of Glaciology 46, 367-374.2007
Ohmura, Atsumu Completing the World Glacier Invertory. Annals of Glaciology 50(53), pp. 144-148.2009
Ohmura, AtsumuHeat budget of the climate system between the last glacial maximum and the present. Bull. Dept. Univ. Tokyo, 19, 21-28.1987