Peter Bucher

Dr. Uni Bern, Klima 1971-1976. Expeditionslogistik. Vortrag am Polarkongress, Zürich 1976. Antarktis 1972avatar image

born 1944


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Berner, Werner, P. Bucher, H. Oeschger u. B. Stauffer Analysis and Interpretation of Gas Content and Composition in Neutral Ice. IAHA-AISH Publication No. 118, 272-284.1977
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher, H. Frommer, M. Möll, C.C. Langway, B.L. Hansen u. H. Clausen14C and other Isotope Studies on Natural Ice. Proccedings of the 8th International Conference on Radiocarbon Dating. Wellington, pp. 70-92.1972
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli Extraction of Trace Components from Large Quantities of Ice in Bore Holes. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 17, No. 75, 117-128.1976
Oeschger, Hans, B. Stauffer, P. Bucher u. H. Loosli Extraction of Gases and dissolved and Particulate Matter from Ice in Deep Boreholes. IAHS-AISH Publication No. 118, 307-311.1977